Gordon Toot

In this case, it hurts a licensing company so inept that they can’t be bothered to get 20-year-old games to work on a Chinese Android PCB selling for $70. Who has two thumbs and is sleeping well tonight? This guy.

I really don’t. I jaywalked across my street today, for my own personal convenience. In an amazing coincidence, I affected exactly as many people by breaking that law as I did by downloading Home Alone for the Genesis on my cell phone. Find me the original developer, willing to sell me an HD emulated copy on Android

How long do they get to use the expansion team excuse? Bill Clinton was the fucking president when they were an expansion team.

Another wasted “miracle”

Romero is credited with fueling the pop culture obsession for zombies...”

Sorry, no, that’s not even remotely doing his legacy justice.

Just to be clear: Mayweather has physically beaten women. Caused actual damage to women with his fists (as a champion boxer!).

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing to get upset over.

I bet you’re fun at parties.

So Deadspin will be ceasing all of its coverage of the matter as well? Wouldn’t want to profit from those clicks!

You guys have written no less than 10 articles about the fight since its conception, including multiple takes on each press conference this week.

Ah yes, it was one of the best receivers in the league’s fault that the Lions are a dumpster fire. Solid take.

Might fuck around and end up seeing Barry Darsow.

If Connor McGregor doesn’t exploit this and have Mike Rotunda show up at the next press conference, I would be sorely disappointed.

I agree - especially since she’s SO young. Paige is still only 24! But she does come from a crazy carny family (so does ADR/AEP, but I don’t know that traditional lucha had the same level of trashiness as old British boardwalk wrestling), so maybe this kind of instability and chaos is what she wants and feels

After a year of their shit, this is less shocking than Austin Aries getting a pink slip for being an asshole

He has a networth of $3.5 million dollars at the age of 24. He made content for 6 years, and is worth more money already at the age most people graduate college. He can do whatever the fuck he wants now with his accumulated wealth and start a new business venture.

Pigeon-holing yourself can mean big success. Doesn’t have to be a problem.

Eh I can totally understand being a sellout for a few years if it means I can earn money to make the art I want after.

The sheer randomness of their inception, though, means it would be totally fine if we one day decided to change them, too.

shut up cunt, put some respect in your headline.