Gordon Toot

Because he’s a hipster who is trying to show how coolly unmacho he is to all the barbaric cavemen who must stand when they pee

Because he’s a hipster who is trying to show how coolly unmacho he is to all the barbaric cavemen who must stand

They’re all shitbag programs.

By running Clinton you also gave a dictator. So, instead blaming everyone else, perhaps you should look in the mirror.

Sanders had the same kind of movement Trump did, and have we not learned how much people will ignore your flaws if they really and truly like you? A movement sprung up around him because he brought something to the table that was very similar to what Trump won with: a break from establishment politics. Trump won with

I still think Bernie would have defeated Trump. Trump was boosted by his blue collar “Joe Plumbers” that didn’t want a politician in office. The “corporations and government are screwing us over” message is what put Trump over. Bernie would have stolen that vote in droves, plus kept all of the voters that went for

The people who did vote for Clinton would have voted for Sanders. There are people who voted for Trump who would have voted for Sanders. There are people who didn’t vote who would have voted for Sanders. Particularly in Florida, Michigan, and Wisconsin, this would have made a difference.

You mean that the 15,000 people that weren’t gonna vote for her anyway can’t be blamed for Nixon in a Pantsuits’ lack of winning last night?

She ran a poor campaign full of arrogance toward “deplorables” and took her voter base for granted. Trump appealed to working people who are watching their economic futures get worse and worse. The offer to renegotiate NAFTA could have won him the election all by itself. Afa his voters being rabid racists and

Oh go fuck yourself. Stein was a nonentity. Exponentially more Republican votes were siphoned away for Johnson. Clinton was gifted a rightwing spoiler and her trainwreck of a campaign STILL couldn’t capitalize on the advantage.

Oh fuck your attempt at controlling how people use their right to vote. If HRC wasn’t able to woo them, that’s on her. People have the right to vote for whoever they want and it’s a candidate’s job to convince them they’re the right choice. Period. Blame the Trump voters and the economic disparity that led them to be

“ he’d have to explain why being a socialist wasn’t what 75% of the voting populace seems to think it means.”
He did this. Repeatedly. At nearly every rally. In nearly every interview. He gave an entire speech dedicated to what the term means to him and how it relates to his policies.
Thanks for being person #34,766,923

The Democratic primaries had a more ideal candidate than the one they went with.

Age is really the big problem, but like you said, they’ve been almost aggressive about not developing a bench. It’s almost as if the DNC was really incompetently run for years...

About as reliable as your ‘Bernie sucks and people won’t vote for him because he’s an old white guy’

You think Bernie would have done worse in the rust belt than Clinton did? Get the fuck out of here. He might have lost Nevada, maybe VA, but he still wins if those states flip.

Bernie Sanders has been polling in recent months as literally the most popular politician in the United States. Clinton diehards are going to blame people who would have voted for him, but voted for Stein, Johnson, or Trump. Imagine how many votes that must be, particularly in the midwest, that would have gone to

These people just voted Donald fucking Trump to be president.

They deserve shitting on. They voted for an openly racist conman who brags about sexually assaulting women, who flaunts US laws, mocks the disabled and is a remarkable failure in business, all to keep a women from being in charge. Fuck them. Fuck them forever.

Yeah, no. Fuck them. I’ll give them the same fucking respect they gave to President Obama. Zero. This country is now the laughing stock of the world.

I didn’t read your comment, but I have a feeling it was worthless. Can someone else read it and tell me?