Gordon Toot

If you think what he said isn’t true then say why you think it isn’t true.

Man I know it’s like two years ago and I don’t want to dog someone on Easter, but maybe you’re treating a post by “PCAvenger” a little more earnestly than they were.

“Columbus isn’t Pittsburgh”

“meanwhile Crosby just skates around whacking dudes in the ball”

This is basically the right appraisal of Rooney, I think. There are no non-assholes who own NFL teams, but he was less of an asshole than most of them.

Nothing, man. Most people just move from tee-ball to baseball at some point is all. Keep congratulating yourself for taking the brave stance that children shouldn’t be shot if it works for you.

Think my first reply to this got broken, so:

I’ve never owned a gun and don’t want to own a gun.

Self-assured and uninformed moralizing is the only arrow in your quiver, huh? Okay.

“I just happen to think that locking up your gun so that it doesn’t wind up in some kid’s hand is a good idea.”

I think it changed it one bit, yeah. Some douchebag rushed to blame the parents and now you’re mopping up the mess he left because it gives you a chance to moralize about the easiest, most obvious topic possible.

Houses exist, therefore no one has to read any articles before dishing hot takes. Cool job, hit the showers.

“I’m really not trying to harp on him because I understand his frustration”

“Literally, whatever language?”

Uh, it was directly related to the dumb thing you said. Acting like you’re smugly deflecting it from on high is sure one response, but everyone already identified you were smug and self-righteous when you popped in to remind everyone that mean words are the real killers (you guys!).

“how she was likely victimized repeatedly in the past.”

I’m pretty sure his idea about the type of person she was was formed after she was in his car.

Sorry, I just checked my research and we do, in fact, need to call this woman a bitch. The part where she was a bitch was what tipped it.

Why would he not take responsibility for ordering the strike? He’s acknowledging it as a decision he made and defending the decision.

Does “force my believe” say it all too?