GTI Sprinks

If you are a germaphobe and think people are gross, new cars are worth every penny for a bit of sanity.

And you never will be with that attitude.

The only people who’ve given it God status off of stupid F&F films should have grown out of that phase of their lives now, and 1600HP dyno runs can be achieved with any car if you throw enough money at it. The 2JZ and the tranny are undoubtedly tough, but you still need to spend a LOT of money to get up to and over

As an American, with bad teeth, who likes to visit London:
Historically there was a difference in oral care, I *think* WWII both highlighted this (American GIs noticing their British counterparts teeth, and vice versa) and went a long way to fix it. Lots of standard-of-living stuff was improved on both sides of the

And because I don’t really own anything else that’s worthy of a long road trip...


Damn, tell us how you really feel.

(as I gracefully understeer off track).

Don’t forget parents who live out their hopes and dreams through their children.

Isn’t it heartwarming to see that you can find parents who are cheating scumbags in every corner of the world?

As someone with an MBA who is spending inordinate amount of time today using weird financial rules to maximize 2017 revenue recognition without providing any additional customer value...

That is actually not at all how it works but you’d fit right in with the US Trade delegation.

Neutral: Do you really care about how much of a U.S.-made car comes from the U.S.?

As someone who lives in a country that may be affected this, this will only lead me to make sure to never buy American again.

You’re looking at a chicane that I marshalled. There’s no problem here. The truck is parked 30 ft back blocking a hole in the fence behind (on the slow side) a chicane.

And half the dumbasses appear to be shooting vertically.

Jalop should hire Cena. For the lolz.

As an EV owner, I can tell you it’s not that big a deal. It cuts into your saving on gas to use public chargers, but if you live in a typical urban area now, finding a place to charge isn’t a big deal, and if your car has DC fast charging, it’s not that much out of your day either.