the rear doors will not be visible and will instead “use a clever hidden arrangement
the rear doors will not be visible and will instead “use a clever hidden arrangement
My favorite detail of the big bad merc
From the news article:
Stelvio is better.
Dramatic as in a podium position being in flux in the last seconds of the race you cynical bastards.
Fixed it for you. He was behind the wheel. He gets the finger pointed at him.
Sounds like someone is ashamed of their cankles. I believe in you man, let those puppies breathe!
Apparently there are no problems with a baggy 80s patchwork technicolor jacket.
This. And now that you mentioned it, I have to post an Alpina.
Damnit, I made that so quickly, I didn’t even notice it wasn’t a Mustang. I saw the Falken livery and jumped right in.
I heard that before completing several laps with the clear protective windscreen on the car, Vettel initially thought it would interfere with driver visibility.
I dont know. In the MK6 GTIs the the factory “electronic” diff is basically an open diff and they use the brakes to keep the inside wheel from spinning.
On an unrelated note, you can now put historic plates on these in Maryland which I think is hysterical.
Turn signals. They should be amber. Always. Never red.
My 2015 Volkswagen has shared brake lights and turn signals
Easy: Front plate requirement. Ohio, requires it. Michigan (and damn near everyone else), not so much.
Shoot! Think it’s still up there?
Here we find Andrew casually forgetting his camera on the side of the road.