I don’t know about “purist,” but this looks... dumb on a car designed specifically to be a future classic IMO.
I don’t know about “purist,” but this looks... dumb on a car designed specifically to be a future classic IMO.
This article made me realise that I will never be able to look at another press photo without thinking about a white guy behind the wheel
‘Ad cached as David Tracy will inevitably buy it’
I’m buying it and selling it to David Tracy for $3,500.
OK, let’s use a side-on view of the 5-series Gran Turismo:
There is so much to the story on his car that this article can’t get in one blog post. For one thing a dozen people tried to save this car from the yard and were met with a brick wall. It took someone with some ties to VWoA to get them to budge. By that time the vultures had decendended and ppl on FB were bragging…
Jalop level 10/10.
Kept driving it until the engine gave out. Added more air fresheners.
Fair warning: you may want to sit on the toilet before watching the video. I damn near shit my pants.
This is a car blog! Why is there a post about the Subway! The site has gotten worse and worse. They’re going to lose a ton of readers if they keep this up.
Only 3,000 pairs will be made. I look forward to seeing them at the next Cars & Coffee meetup.
one of only 24 S54 M Coupes in Steel Gray with a Dark Gray/Black interior and a sunroof.
The first game designed with Microsoft’s new Xbox One X in mind was shown off at the company’s E3 presser today, and…
Derwin employee 1: How can we make a decade-old Italian supercar less reliable?
I don’t normally toot my own horn, but this was one of my better comments before I hit the big time.
Your honor, I submit RazoE has proven his case beyond a shadow of a doubt. Reference bro code sub chapter 4W. The people rest.
Are those MY RX-8's still running?
Hillary Clinton: 65,853,516 votes
Donald Trump: 62, 984, 825 votes
“Equally” represented by the electoral college.
I wonder who shows up first:
Do organizations that have committed literal acts of terror on American citizens have a constitutional right to assemble? I’m going to say no.