What’s the Jalopnik Gold membership for, if not for group buys like this.
Very easy to remove or code out with a handy coding dongle. Usually it’s everyone’s first mod.
And for less VW knowledgable fans playing at home: XDS+ is essentially brake torque vectoring. And it works really well, in my experience (15GTI w/o Perf. Pack).
give the cville locals a shout when ya get into town. I bet you could talk them into a nice drive or something. :D
Also: love the acid green brake calipers. Brings some fun to what many consider a blah car.
Batteries aren’t light. In fact, at the very core of battery tech is the requirement for some metal to be present, and for practical application, lots of it. Thus, you get weight.
That’s correct. As of the mk7 series (2015 for stateside) all (with some exception for very early 2015 models) GTIs and golfs are made in the Pueblo, MX facility. The golf R is still made in Germany though.
You do know we have plenty of other tactical weapons that serve the very purpose of eliminating targets with incredibly high precision backed by the largest standing military force in the world with the ability for commander-in-chief to put them pretty much anywhere in the world without a formal declaration of war.…
But if we lower it, it’s simply a hot-hatch... soo.... win-some lose some?
To be completely honest i’m surprised mitsubishi is releasing new models.
10/10 would daily drive.
Said NP, even after seeing the BAT link below. I think it’s right ballpark.
I’ll be honest here and say that’d i’d take that car in any color i could get my filthy peasant hands on.
Anyone else have a laugh about how he says he’s waited long enough, but now he has to wait longer because he tried to game the system and got called out? And likely has to wait even more now that additional lawyers will get involved.
Sad state of affairs when those automakers who once carried the young enthusiast crowd on their shoulders now eagerly await those aged enthusiasts with appliances on four wheels.