Agreed, but... Since it seems the current administration doesn’t exactly seem to want to do this, isn’t my next best option NGOs? It seems easier to make progress this way, no?
Agreed, but... Since it seems the current administration doesn’t exactly seem to want to do this, isn’t my next best option NGOs? It seems easier to make progress this way, no?
Agreed, but... Since it seems the current administration doesn’t exactly seem to want to do this, isn’t my next best option NGOs? It seems easier to make progress this way, no?
You can sit in the grandstands. From there you can see the whole course. Also, there are bleachers at the hairpin.
Anybody else going to be there? Planning on going tomorrow unless the weather just sucks. Will return for the 24
Dude, you forgot the
I don’t know about that... I’m hopeful, she only made that one appearance, right? A Surgeon General Carson seems a possibility (which might be palatable and I can’t believe I just wrote that), but listening to NPR on the ride home almost made me want to head into oncoming traffic with discussions of Bannon playing a…
Excellent [Terrible] Assignment. We could go farther down this rabbit hole but I don’t want to ruin a weekend.
Trigger warning here, but...
Peter Gammons works for Deadspin? Who knew?
Ok, just came back from an ~1500 mile solo motorcycle camping trip on my Scrambler. It’s my first bike, so ignorance was somewhat bliss. But, honestly, not sure that I’d’ve wanted a big adventure bike like a KTM 1200 or BMW. No way I’m picking that up if I drop it saddled up with camping gear and the Devil’s…
Original owner only? ...or is it tied to the car?
Going on a motorcycle camping trip in a week. Need a few good book recommendations (shameless plugs accepted if supplemented). Got anything I should check out?
Damn, great suggestions, I want all of these. Unfortunately, not enough room in the garage or the checkbook for all of them.
How does it compare to the GT4?
So, when are you going to write a book? I’d read IKEA instructions if you’d do it. Either way, big fan, good job, good effort!
Also, since I see Mr. Burneko answering questions, what do you preferred to be called? I’ve seen Al, Bert, Albert, etc. Don’t want to come across improperly when I ask you to sign the book I want you to write
Also, since I see Mr. Burneko answering questions, what do you preferred to be called? I’ve seen Al, Bert, Albert, etc. Don’t want to come across improperly when I ask you to sign the book I want you to write
Third time’s a charm. Did anybody ever get that pizza party?
If nothing else, I’ve gotta star this post for the picture. Damn if the man can’t (try and) rock the Bosworth mulletspike
I have a yard too, and I like it. I spend almost every weekend out there in it, pulling weeds, trimming shrubs, sweating my ass off. It’s probably OCD. I don’t get why people want a yard. For what? For what seems like 95% of my neighbors, the yard is the very reason behind an additional $50-500 a month in…