
@Chispea: I know, no condiments whatsoever? ick!

My favorite morning routine is to have breakfast while watching last night's Daily Show. It eliminates any variance in how long it takes me to get ready, because if I'm running late, I just won't finish the show. Also, I wake up more gradually, and Jon Stewart usually puts me in a good mood to start the day. Sure it

@SNForrester: Agreed. It's such a small change, but I don't find myself lying in bed waiting to fall asleep anymore.

This is only kind of related, but how important do you think it is to have a strong login password for your laptop at home? Right now I have a one-letter password that is only required after 4 hrs of inactivity. I figure my laptop is only ever around people who I let in my house, and occasionally in a coffee shop but

@TheOtherHalf: I suppose I should have mentioned that I'm in Chicago. And my bank and account number are... wait a minute... this series of tubes is secure, right?

@TheFu: Problem is they're changing my account number, and the old number will only forward stuff for a short grace period. So yes my checks will work, but unfortunately, I have to change at least a few links like direct deposit online bill pay, etc...

@ian2: Certainly! Just provide me your SSN, account number, routing number, home address, and maybe a few credit card #s just for good measure.

Happy Friday everyone!

@Street Meat Steve: It didn't make up for Vista if it never convinced them to try Win7. Yes, I'm in the camp who switched to OSX because of Vista.

I was one of the 5.4%, but I only ever used Vista on friends' computers. When it was getting terrible reviews and I had tried it briefly I switched to OSX for the first time. I installed Win7 on my mac, and although it's way nicer than XP, I still prefer OSX. But that's just a personal preference (I don't mean to

Another option for security questions, if you use some password manager is to make up random passwords AS the answers to security questions, and store them in your manager. Of course, then if you lose access to your password manager somehow, you're SOL.

@valmorphorize: I may have to give that a shot. I have at some point downloaded an app to my iPod touch that had coupons, but never found anything I'd buy on it. What sites to you use?

I personally find those examples dissuading in and of themselves. If checking out coupons can save me $0.50 on deodorant and another $0.50 on a toothbrush, that's deducting about $2.50 per YEAR from my spending. By not buying any newspapers, I save considerably more than that.

@NoOneSpecific: Nothing says sexy like a woman who respects your frugality. It's all about common values.

A quick note about pointing: in Indonesia (and I think other Muslim nations) it is considered rude to point with your index finger American-style. Instead, point with your thumb like you've just won at thumb war.

I made a somewhat similar spreadsheet when apartment hunting. Comparing price, sq ft, amenities, location, etc. all right next to each other helps keep everything straight when looking at a bunch of options.

@Mr_Bloggerific: MyTunes was a fantastic app. It allowed you to search for and download songs from any iTunes hooked up to the same network as you. It turned my college dorm into a goldmine of music, and it downloaded at about 1MB/s. Of course, it was shut down pretty soon.

@FreeChaos: Eggs are super cheap and make great meals. Pasta is as well. A bag of raw carrots is pretty cheap and travel-friendly for snacks (not those stupid baby carrots; they're a rip-off financially and nutritionally). If you're always gone, pack home-cooked meals in a cooler. Good luck to you.