
I've been looking into those dawn-simulating alarm clocks that gradually brighten a light like the [] but they are expensive! This seems like a great DIY project. I'd think it could be made with a cheap microcontroller and a desk lamp, but I don't know much about that kind of electronics.

@farcedude: Ahh, see the problem is you seem to have gone with the wireless mouse. Go back to wired and it'll be easier to keep track of them.

@GregH: My girlfriend does that too. Problem is, every time she gets an e-mail, she feels like she needs to take advantage of the deal regardless of her need for clothing (in other words, exactly what the store wants).

@wjglenn: Sliced bread was first sold in 1928, advertised as "the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped." [] Accordingly, wrapped bread was the best thing before that.

@Flail: It's a 30 Rock reference. They have a sordid past. But Buzz has one up on the moon: he walked on the moon's face!

@labyrinthine is a kickass philanthropist: I agree, the problem is you can't refute anything they gather from online searches, unless you have a nice professional site that establishes your professional self like the linked article mentions. Any random snippet online can easily be taken out of context, or at least not

@Platypus Man: Is that a challenge? Is there a prize for the first to discover the true identity of Platypus Man?

@Kadin: I had this same issue, and I wish I had read your solution first! I used AnyTitleDeleter to delete IOS249, 250, 223, and 222 based on other advice, and that worked too. But your solution is much better!

@Firebrand: If you're planning to own a car soon and don't have time to learn about cars, find a friend or relative who loves cars and ask him (or her). Take this person with you when buying a car, and ask them about maintenance stuff. I've found that gearheads usually love talking about cars as much as lifehacker

@mrsayao: I'd check the owners manual about oil changes. My '96 Civic manual says change the oil every 5000 miles in rough driving (cold out, short trips, or stop-n-go) or 7000 in highway driving. It's got 150k miles and running like a champ. If an oil change place recommends every 3k miles, you know they're trying to

@D Wiz: Depends on your goal. If you want to get home sooner, stay on. If you want to spend less time in your car, pull off and grab dinner, maybe peruse a Best Buy. Spending 5 minutes at a rest stop won't do you any good. For an accident, you'd have to wait it out. For rush hour, it can depend on a million things if

I'm planning on hacking my Wii this weekend by following this post [] Can anyone who has gone through this give any tips or pitfalls to avoid not mentioned in the article? I'm worried about bricking my Wii since I don't have much programming knowledge.

VOTE: LastPass

Still using the WRT54G. With a small apartment and one laptop, I don't think an N router would improve anything... yet.

Does anyone see anything other than name, timezone, type, updated_time, and website?

@brillantesdv: I've been using Chrome on OSX for a while now. It may be beta, but I don't think it's ever crashed.

@MrJR: I think in Parallels you can share files without having a separate virtual disk, too. You can have Windows-only files, but everything can be explored from OSX and only exists in one place, at least I think that's how mine is set up.

Ugh, I hate the Trump Tower, shown in the image above. It looks like an anachronism in Chicago's magnificent skyline, and it's no prettier from the street next to it either. But maybe that's just me. I'll just have to avoid it in Google Earth/Maps.

One important thing to note about this chart is the absolutely tiny standard deviation of the top 5: Asus, Toshiba, Sony, Apple, and Dell. In terms of a basis upon which to decide your next laptop, I'd say Asus is substantially equivalent to a Dell (in terms of reliability), and your personal propensity towards

@TheFu: I think that 2000 words has a GIANT standard deviation. Personally, I strive for about 300.