
@jaaronisrael: Try Leopard Docks [] and yes, it works in Snow Leopard. I don't think there are completely invisible ones, but it's the closest thing I know of.

@tamushrek: Make sure you're using the parenthesis correctly. You need to divide the whole first term, not just the 1, by interest. In fact, paste my formula into Excel and replace the variables with your numbers. When I do that, I get $8,251,128.44 from

For anyone who wants to calculate if their current savings rate will accomplish your goal, the amount you'll have when you retire is roughly

@RenRen: I wish Lady Gaga were also not willing to do her job.

Give me back The Daily Show and Colbert Report and I'm in.

@klmrlkn555: Ahh, well if that's the case, I'd highly recommend putting all your effort towards finding the root of your problem and fixing it soon. I don't know of many people who go from good grades to mediocre and then back to good. Once you slip, it's hard to get it back, unless you only slip because of some

@wickedcupofjoe: One general piece of advice when it comes to buying something you use as often as a computer: Never once have I looked at my computer and thought to myself, "I sure wish I didn't waste that extra $200 on that faster ___." Have you?

Yeah Friday! My brain is this close to turning off for the weekend.

@klmrlkn555: Question is, what kind of schooling, and how much more do you have? I was a straight-A student until my fourth semester of college when I studied abroad, at which point I became a lazy straight B student. I already had an internship lined up, and for engineering that matters much more than grades, so I

@TheFu: Well, I've learned something today. Apparently KeePassX is the way to go instead of ridiculous almost-clever password variations. So far, I haven't been paranoid enough to have a very secure password policy, but I will definitely look into this KeePass tonight.

@Red_Flag: That looks pretty nifty. Have you tried the "mono" version on OSX? I use Windows XP at work and Mac at home, so I haven't found a good cross-platform application.

@PaintTheSkyGrey: That's a good point. Also, even if a few passwords end up the same, it's better than using the same 2 passwords for everything.

@cwicseolfor: It gives you the starting point. So Smiley face, purple gives you nKX9Fks...

With all the recent discussion on password security, I think this PasswordCard is the only one that describes a solution to the problem of remembering different passwords for different logins.

Another great non-conventional use for dry-erase markers: writing your name on wine glasses. Those silly wine glass charms never work quite as well as you'd like, but scribble your name on a wine glass (or any glass) and you know it's yours. This is especially useful at a wine & cheese party, unless it needs to be

@TheEpicChicken: I think that would be hard to do. It may not dry-erase as easily after a long time, but I can't imagine old dry-erase ink on glass standing up to rubbing alcohol. Glass just doesn't get stains the same way a dry-erase board does.

@strabes: My bad. I don't have my Mac at work, and I forgot about the keyboard tab. Good catch!

Those look like fresnel lenses to me.

This looks pretty nifty. I've been using BetterTouchTool since the lifehacker article on it [] and it has similar functionality. You can assign gestures to move windows, or drag-snap it left, right, or full-screen like in Win7, but I don't think you can assign keyboard shortcuts. I do very much heart

@andreasr2d2: Yes, it worked like a charm. Thanks so much for your help!