Stevia, high fiber, cutting out a fatty diet and dandelion root will also work, copious amounts of the former two and the latter one and lots of water and cranberry juice, not that I've had to try this method that I've perfected or anything...
Stevia, high fiber, cutting out a fatty diet and dandelion root will also work, copious amounts of the former two and the latter one and lots of water and cranberry juice, not that I've had to try this method that I've perfected or anything...
at $349 this is gonna be a fucking steal and a no brainer for people that want an android 3.1 tablet device. Of course the galaxy tab 10.1 is still the champ of the android heavyweights, this is definitely a contender in the light heavyweight class.
Blam! sucks to see you go, but hopefully your future involves writing more about the outdoors, surfing and at least a little gadgetry. Do a follow up and let us know where you're at, I think I still follow you on twitter, so theres always that.
Yeah I've had really great service and experience with them thus far, but I've been grandfathered into good accounts since I was a kid. And yeah pretty much everyone but me and you complains about BofA on the regular. They are dicks for trying to forclose on people that didn't owe them a cent though.
Tip: if you put some of the ashes into the planter, it would provide certain nutrients to the plant.
Ahhh, I might like this guy's stuff more than Sam Spratt, however, in Sam's defense, he did do some pretty rad zombie work.
Its shit like this Gizmodo, its shit like this that makes me happy to be a reader. Stars love to shoot their steaming load onto the universe. Wait, does the star neighbor a black hole and was it shooting directly into the hole. This should be mocked up on that Taiwanese CG news site. They'd have a field day with…
I always report the damn spambots. You can do so on android app at least, and last I heard its almost identical to the iOS app. I don't like spambot mentions, what if some of my legit followers clicked their link and it effed up their cpu? I wouldn't feel right.
Here's to hoping that the U.S. government re-distributes some of that money saved into important infrastructure and agencies like NASA.
They never said anything about a tv show based on his hijinks.
Yes! finally, facebook comes to the realization that we want it to be more like myspace and ping, oh wait no thats not at all what we want. I'm all for Spotify being offered in the U.S. though.
Welp, I guess this means I should finally join a credit union and stop supporting evil BofA before all my moneys and personal information gets leaked. Yeah all this hacking is both a blessing and a curse. I'm like 'fuck yeah, screw over the man' and then I'm all, 'oh shit don't leak my personal information.' I…
thank you thank you thank you for creating this script to check If I was hacked. It was a double whammy for me because I've got a ps3 (although I don't think Lulzsec hacked ps3 users) and I have a citicard. Even though I called citicard to see if my account was compromised, I didn't trust them to give me the honest…
if they added stat tracking to it like with then i'd consider it
she's gonna feel like an idiot when everyone is using youtwitface instead of facebook.
Now that I've seen the controller in action, it doesn't seem too unwieldy. Extended gameplay may cause a little hand fatigue, due to the weight, but its still kind of a neat gimmick.
I don't see the value of playing a game with an oversized controller with a screen that on occasion you have to hold up while playing to see the action. PSV still wins over the Wii U controller, OLED over a non-hd screen. I have to admit the Wii U console itself does interest me. I can't wait to hear the final…
These companies need to beef up their security, I'm gonna think twice about signing up for some free dlc if I have to give up my personal information next time.