
I like mine with a few drops of distilled water to bring out the aromatics in the scotch or whisky. I have whisky stones but you seem to need to put like 5 or 6 of them in your glass to keep your drink cool, and even then its not as ice cold as I'd like it. Plus something about the whisky stones that make my drink

are dslr lenses interchangeable with these cameras or is just proprietary lenses that work with them?

Wow, Kotaku was always synonymous with Crecente for me. This is exactly like when Brian Lam left Gizmodo. I don't know if Kotaku will ever be the same without the power of your luxurious long hair. I've been a reader for a few years now very close to the inception of Kotaku and this is the very first gaming website

brace yourselves, blackouts are coming.

There is also a way to share tweets from twitter on facebook via the twitter website or selective tweets which are two of the only reasons you should ever see hastags on facebook. Google+ also uses the hastag.

Most corporations would just take a large chunk of profit like that, fire a bunch of employees in order to show that the company is profitable, then give the CEOs huge bonuses with the money they saved by firing people. All the while not donating a cent. Kudos to Louis CK.

I was disappointed in my hot wheels racetrack, and again when my father took me into the store to exchange it for the gift I really wanted, Fireball Island, because at age 5 he spoiler'd the existence of Santa for me. But I was supremely happy with Fireball Island, because it beats the living shit out of any other

Sam, your reference to Hegelian metaphysics won my heart, you are now my most favorite journalist on gizmodo.

Yeah I was about to suggest vignette, its a fantastic app with such a wide array of options. The only difference is that you can't upload vignette pictures to a dedicated vignette website with your own profile. But it does an amazing job with autofocus, fake hdr, and all kinds of other frames and image tweaks.

I think he is referring to Appletv, Roku and other cheap blu-ray players.

yeah there are far too many lurkers on Twitter. I always get weirded out when I get a new follow and they have 1000 followers and are following 1000 people but haven't tweeted even once. Wtf? why even use it? Its like lurkers on fb with no pictures, updates or stats listed. The fuck is wrong you weirdos?

I'm glad I waited instead of pulling the trigger on a new tablet. Honestly there is very little difference between the 8.9 and 10.1 and having an hd screen with 11.6 inches is much better. I'd even like something that was 14 inches because I'd mostly just use it while sitting on my couch or around the house. Gaming

Have you seen Farscape? I know its technically not Jim Henson, since its his son Brian. But still a pretty cool show and Henson production none-the-less. But yes I co-sign the Dark Crystal, also Labyrinth.

@Roberto, I don't know what you mean by "hates direct messages" because you can still dm, you just have to go to your profile and then its right under your stats. I personally prefer the new UI, its got a much cleaner look that doesn't seem so outdated. Tomato Tomahto.

damn I haven't used echofon in forever, it used to be my go-to twitter app.

haha, that was funny.

Sense UI is one of the major reasons I won't buy another HTC phone which uses it. Because of Sense UI my HTC incredible had some serious bugs. For one the system memory error which was caused by HTC Sync and my phone constantly telling me I was using too much RAM when I clearly was only using 100mb. It also lags

Google also gives 70 percent of the profits directly to the artist if they sign a contract with el Goog. This is a good thing.

There should be a crying 12 year old next to OBL's dead body. I heard his daughter got to see the whole thing center stage.

Yeah I know, Touch wiz sucks too, but I've heard its less invasive than motoblur or sense UIs. When I used it, it didn't seem too bad like the other OEMs.