
If you are going to meet a stranger to make a deal on something legal do it in a public place, and make sure you bring a large friend if you aren't a big person yourself and for crap sakes if its a gadget, make sure you see it, it powers on and works correctly before you buy it. wth people? I'm guessing the I.Q. on

that last one is the clear winner imo

I really wanted this when it was supposed to come out on VZW around October. Now they are opting for the Droid Prime, which I know nothing about except that its going to have Android 4.0 ice cream sandwich. I'm guessing that the specs will be on par with the Galaxy S2 and have read elsewhere that it will have a 720p

Yeah I dislike United quite a bit. I try to fly Delta more often than not and I hear Southwest is not as good as it used to be either. Pretty much any way you slice it airlines could mostly give a fuck less about their passengers.

Fuck the police... Well the racist, ignorant and oppressive ones at least. Of course I don't think thats how N.W.A. meant it.

Also, I'm gonna guess you don't like money, with all the championships this guy has probably won you were probably dating a millionaire for a hot minute there. Oh well, back to writing a blog about how nerds are not worthy to date you. Also, did he do anything wrong while you were dating other than playing magic?

If anything this would be a boon if a girl I was dating played magic. Is it only me or did the gorilla glass advert next to the article make you think of a kird ape?

I for one enjoy buying unecessary gadgets for camping. I bought a voltaic solar charger to charge my phone and portable speakers and I love it. Anything to make me seem like a human swiss army knife I am all for.

Its rude to use your smartphone in social situations, its rude to text message around others, its rude to have headphones in while talking to someone, seriously? This is getting out of hand. I think people that get mad about stuff like this are just thinking up new ways to be pissed off about interacting with others

I think the updated market is to blame, it used to be easier to find apps, now its kind of a pain.

I think one reason that Google may not want to allow nicknames, pseudonyms or other fake made up names is that people might make up offensive names as those seen on xbox live. Anonymous fake names really allow people to hide behind them and speak more freely, openly and without the fear of retribution. I like the

yeah I'm totally over the HTC sense UI on my incredible. Its so freaking buggy and has caused a myriad of problems, I would love to have stock android on it without having to root and void my warranty. I liked it at first until all of the system memory problems started and the constant reboots. I'm either getting a

period pieces? oh so you mean back when dragons, giants, grumkins, snarks, others, krakens, mermaids, sphinxes and Westeros actually existed. In that case... oh wait that period, era, epoch or timeframe never did exist. But yeah, game of thrones rules, I can't wait to see how they portray the aforementioned mythical

I already try to avoid any corn on supermarket shelves and try to buy organic fresh or canned. I'd rather not ingest pesticides that can't be washed off of corn and are inside its cells.

just cut off all their hands, problem solved... Oh wait, how would the prison industrial complex create all their goods at a rate far below minimum wage (just above slavery!) and make sure that they keep jobs out of the hands of American citizens who need them, if the prisoners have no hands?

It looks like it is, but i'm sure there will be root access pretty quickly.

That puts it in impulse buy territory and on par with the price of the appletv and roku. Although if I had to put money down and it was the choice between those 3 I'd probably choose a roku.

this marks the last time I will ever use the xzibit meme, thx for the knowledgde X to the Z []

All I could think of when I saw that picture of the statue is Duke Nukem Forever.