
We'll miss you Jason, you brought awesomeness to the Giz. I dig Lifehacker, I'll have to check em out more often now. Thx for all your hard work, lifehack the planet and keep up the good work.

There is a data control app on android called APNDroid that did this same thing and got yanked from the android market, he removed the ads that pop in the notification bar and his app was allowed back into the market. []

Lets hope this doesn't start another trend of consistently failing hardware from microsoft. Glad I haven't bought a kinect yet.

I would buy one so hard.

This is seizuretastic in a good way, Sam Biddle's links are gold.

no words. toliet review is a first for me, don't read those often.

She's clearly too stupid to understand that its not funny and not satire. She brought the death threats upon herself. She's gonna have to live with that shit. Just like that one chic Alexandra Wallace that did the Asian people in the library racist rant. I think evolution is turning into de-evolution and in a few

This would be a welcome addition to my droid incredible. Too bad that its not available in North America yet. I'm sure they are waiting to release the Xperia Play in the U.S. and then have this app pre-loaded, then or shortly thereafter we'll hopefully be able to get this. If msoft doesn't release an app for

yeah they had me at 2nd thumbstick.

I have trouble buying blurays due to a good percentage of movies showing up on netflix, this definitely seems like a good way of buying up movies that are only a few years old for cheap. For this same reasoning I like having my psp with UMD drive. UMDs are cheap as hell nowadays. At gamestop I got kill bill vol 1

Very loose grounds to consider Biggie a technophile, but it was the 90s so I guess the guy was pretty ahead of his time on the gadget front, R.I.P. Chris Wallace.

This review is much better than the other ones I watched on youtube a few days after the notion ink adam launched. I don't necessarily know if I will get an adam since I don't want to commit myself to any tablet thats not tried and true, also once android 3.0 honeycomb drops and its available on the adam, I wouldn't

@comrade_leviathan: touche and good call. Lazy journalism, bad editors or both? Eh, either way I'll still read the giz.

@Heinzharald - IANAL: I'll keep that in mind. I usually drink the cask strength stuff because of the stronger flavor. Next time I'll try just a few drops of distilled or bottled water and see how it tastes as opposed to the ice cubes.

@j3oomerang: I have noticed a rather watered down flavor when the cubes melt, which can be pleasant at first since the aroma comes out, but as time goes on and the cubes melt further, the taste really devolves into a less enjoyable drink.

@Steve Monroe: Nice, I'll have to do that since my trip is next week and I don't have time to wait for one to ship. Thanks.

I also dig, although I understand the reviews are for all-you-can-eat type streaming music services which allow you to choose a specific song at-a-glance. Dash dash hyphen hyphen.

I really need to find a fleece balaclava for my trip to northern michigan. Costco had em, but I think they are either out of em or stopped carrying em. Anyone know of a website or retailer that carries a nice fleece facemask for extremely cold weather? I don't like those scary looking ones with the holes in the

I hear you're supposed to add a little water to whisky to enhance the flavor and aroma. I always drink it with a few cubes of ice.

@comrade_leviathan: he posted the article source in a link which should suffice, plus this is a tech blog, not a doctoral thesis.