
Its hard to speculate on hardware that isn't even out yet (iPad2). However, at least on the OS front, we can conjecture as to the pros and cons between the two. Hardware is really gonna be a game changer on both platforms.

I'm sorry but the iPad will never completely replace macs, the pc or laptops. If they throw mac OSx on it then yeah, complete game changer and then Murdoch might be correct. However, I don't currently see Jobs killing that market, just adding to it slightly or changing it slightly.

I'd like to use hulu more often, like I use netflix. My DVR is great, but when it glitches and records content all effed up, I have to turn to Hulu or or whatever site it will run on. Kilar is just telling it how it is. Good for him for being honest, even if the cable companies want to limit streaming

"do a barrel roll" lol

Soundhound is pretty good too, also dolphin hd, opera, skyfire, ebay, skymaps, epicurious, mashable, engadget, bank of america. Theres tons of good apps on android. The aforementioned in the article are a great start though.

my droid inc, my work computer, bluetooth audio in my car, xbox 360 and ps3 after work, my gf's laptop, my dvr, my turntable and a microwave.

I'm gonna have to buy that book, I love the Oatmeal's toons.

Gizmodo Troll article headline cartoon... Win?

Maybe now Netflix will be able and have reason to finish up their android app. I know the biggest hold up was DRM and how to encrypt the data, however, no android standard for tablets must've also been a reason to hold back. Plz, Netflix, plz Google, I want movies and tv shows streaming on my device.

Haha, I read that first topic on the state of the union, "Jobs" as in Steve Jobs. You know you are a gadget and tech nerd when...

I think thats a cylon base ship.

@Whitson Gordon: Yup, you're right, I thought the rumored specs from before the official announcement from HTC were the same and indeed they are not. So that totally does suck and will not improve battery life. I might have to wait for a better HTC verizon phone that IS dual core and has an hd screen like the

You can get agar agar at any asian market.

I just wanted an htc thunderbolt for the hd screen and size, not to mention kickstand. I know 4g on verizon won't be available in my area until like 2012 or 2014. The bigger battery is a bonus imo, plus the dual core processer will make the battery last longer. The article is correct though, utilizing 4g would

;p This guy on the other hand...

@kaffenated: haha, yeah seriously. Its one thing to think about the end of the world/zombie apocalypse and not really care or do anything about it, then there is this guy.

@Manuel Pfennig: go to account settings, then notifications, then unclick all the instances of which you would not like to recieve email notifications and then save the changes.

Yeah I'd rather get a wi-fi notion ink adam or root a nook and not have to worry about monthly payments on a data plan, especially at the $800 pricetag.

@mr.seth.price: you just have to allow installation of non-market apps and download the app from the kongregate site.

I thought google translate was still in alpha or beta, but thats awesome that its available now. I wonder if I could talk my bosses at work into letting me use this when spanish speakers call us.