
I have the e-mail notifications turned off, those are annoying as shit.

Great article, I'm glad I live in a place where the press are granted certain freedoms. The sad thing is that in so many countries where there is freedom of the press, the press is still controlled by the owners of said media. Rupert Murdoch for example. This creates a "free" press, however, the press is still

Thats sad, he has no use of his legs, at least let him have the use of an awesome wheelchair. I can understand why it may be a problem, however, since weight has an impact on ramps, etc.

I really like Black Ops so far. The weapons are slightly lacking in comparison to mw2, but it evens the playing field when leveling. I would rather see a fully fledged codmw3 and spin-off than two half baked games. Some of the levels in Black Ops mp are just a ridiculous amount of enjoyment.

@Southrncomfortjm: I'm glad I'm not the only one, I thought the multiplayer was good, but the GTA campaign was not that great. RDR on the other hand is the best game I've played in awhile.

I am definitely looking forward to this. It seems a lot better than or pandora since you can search by song instead of just by artist and then the service playing random songs by that artist or songs by similar artists.

Canis Lupis meet Musicus Crapicus.

What a fuck up of a parent. Poor kid. Maybe she should have bought a smartphone and this may have been avoided. I swear people should have to complete a basic parenting class before being able to have children.

@yearofthe: "I'm movin to Canada" lol, silly Morgan Freeman King.

Well, I guess when humans destroy the Earth and the atmosphere dissipates, plant life will be fine when air returns to our planet, we will however, be shriveled and dead, only to become fertilizer for the immortal plant based organisms.

I can't wait to eat smoked mammoth ribs.

@norgeboy_video: Afghanistan sounds like a level battleground for both spec ops and the general military in terms of sporadic firefights. I'm always amazed by some of my friends that are in the military that go back to active duty in Afghanistan after having served once or twice before. It really makes sense in the

The "Promotoed" is VERIFIABLY CORRECT as it is in fact promotions displayed on toenail UIs created by visionary Scott Redmond. If it was spelled "Promotoad" as in the boring cousin in marketing and PR that is related to hypnotoad that would be VERIFIABLY INCORRECT.

@norgeboy_video: Wow, super interesting. This is the kinda stuff us civvies don't know about. Trying to figure out the moral dilemmas of another culture while in a firefight might be easy for an FBI agent or highly trained person in the military, but you're totally right, grunts don't know much. Plus I imagine a

Wait until a few months after a phone's release so that you can find out if there are any huge hardware or software flaws or other bugs that pop up. I don't think I'll ever buy a launch device again since its like owning a product still in beta that hasn't been rigorously tested enough. I'm on my second htc

Whats the deal with the Northwest being full of crazies these days?

@lemke ☠☠☠: yeah its kinda crazy that there is so much money being spent out of the military budget for stuff like this. Makes one wonder if Halliburton is going to be doing the rebuilding.

If Playboy made an app that was only of its editorials and interviews, they'd still sell a ton of em.

Of course its a news article about gaming and they use GTA. Thats starting to get old, common sense will kick it to let any gamer or person with a pulse know that it was probably either farmville (or some other zynga game) or WoW. Either of those two games will suck the life out of you and may require payment in the