
Decreasing the screen brightness will help and at least on htc phones you can bump charge. Meaning you can charge the phone until fully charged, unplug it, then plug it back and it will have an orange notification light until it turns green again, meaning it has successfully been bump charged. If you are rooted you

Kinda creepy. Clearly the apex of journalistic verbiage is seen by the use of the term "breezies."

At least we're rebuilding the village. I can think of plenty of instances where we destroyed the hell out of something and were then like, k thx bai. From one perspective, its sad that we had to destroy a village. From another perspective, it was necessary to thwart the taliban. From yet another perspective, we

Prob won't be buying until the early adopters (suckers) buy a few and report back with bugs and hardware issues, then I'll consider it. I also want to wait to see some reviews for the notion ink adam. Also, now that the nook can be rooted relatively safely, I may be even considering that.

@SegFault: gonna have to install this outside of the android market then, thank god for openness in an operating system, even though its not very open for Google to restrict the app from the market, non-market apps can still be installed, yay!

That phyrexian vatmother could take out a large army of 1/1 creatures and token heavy decks for certain.

@boobsandbacon: The storms sucked so bad I even forgot they existed. I tried one out about 10 months ago and the "mehness" was overwhelming.


@Floodland: Mordor may be set up to simulate realistic survival situations in which Bear Grylls pretends to be in dangerous situations avoiding ring wraiths that may or may not be actors flying on animatronic bats.

peep is already a twitter app, so um, yeah.

I was just watching No Reservations the other day and Anthony Bourdain was just taking a stroll on Mt. Etna.

This should be called the wetback, not a jetpack. Now to notify my contacts south of the border.

Haha, thats great, when I'm over thirty, can't do without a qwerty keyboard, enjoy a limited app marketplace and want to be stuck somewhere between a motorazr and a windows phone, I'll start to pay attention RIM.

@itsjustawizard: Verizon does have a worldphone ya know. Then you can use it and go nowhere, but at least you will know that your phone will function in other countries, even though you won't.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: I'm in the same boat, I'm just hoping netflix announces an android app by the time the Thunderbolt releases.

I'm thinking either the HTC thunderbolt or something that comes after that. I just want big screen real estate, 4G and netflix streaming. Until android can provide the latter, I'll be holding off on a smartphone purchase.

Ice cream sunday, ice cream canelle, ice creamsicle, ice cream cones...

@nandreetta: damn manufactured skin jobs, all they want is to destroy humanity and make their cylon god happy.