
a little of the old in-out and a nice tall glass of milk at the Korova milk bar

@Alastair-: haha, they could be like, "don't even buy the ps4, it will not be as powerful as the psp2, just wait until ps5."

Sony, the hype is starting to get slightly rediculous. They should have just said that the psp2 will be on par with alienware or even better than future consoles that have not even been released yet.

Also, Verizon has cancelled their "new every two" plan that allows customers to upgrade to a new phone every two years. I believe this means if you want a new phone, you gotta buy it to start up a new contract.

Or I could just sever my testicles and hand them to the government post haste. This is gonna see so much damn backlash its crazy. People like the internet precisely because they can remain anonymous. I hope I won't also be required to wear my ethnicity, blood type and religious belief/affiliation on my sleeve. I

Nice face buddy.

I believe there are certain profiles of hdmi to consider as well. Though I think that most usb cables, even the cheap ones run the most or at least pretty recent hdmi profiles.

Geordi LaForge for the win.

@Steezy McFresh: Yeah thats true, anything to give them the buzz that they used to have.

Lets hope the set-top box is cheaper than the logitech revue. Although I did see it at costco for like 220 dollars. I'm sort of biding my time until a worthy set-top box, or dlna capable device comes out. Google tv and roku are really really tempting though.

Jobs needs to get over his Giz hatred. Sony got over it and they're a huge multinational corporation that hated bad press about something I can't remember.

@KamWrex: yep, agreed. The specs on the notion ink adam are on par with the big boys listed on this post. However, the notion ink even ups the ante with the PixelQi display. Unfortunately it is not being released by a tried and true manufacturer so it is not considered to be in the same tier as the above-mentioned

They should just call it the ShiTablet for so many reasons. First off, Sam said it in the article title, its Shit. Second, with the ability to stream whatever is on the tv onto the tablet while out of the room. I'd probably pretty much only use it on the toliet so that whoever I'm watching the television with can

@blyan is not on fire: My dad is the same way, he has a Samsung Alias 2 and he swears by the clamshell. He likes to check email from time to time on it as well and I gotta say it is an exercise in futility. He would probably be happier with a droid as well, but he prefers free, clamshell and the cheapest data plan

MXI Environmental Services better watch its back, some bros are totally gonna go takeover that plant and rob them of all that four loko goodness (badness, cause it tastes exactly like Jason Chen said it does in his live blog).

As long as there aren't any lead paint covered polly pockets hidden in the bottles of water for me to choke on and get lead poisoning with.

I may have to follow fake Jobs, he's pretty funny. He could just put in his bio that he's not really Steve Jobs, that would probably satisfy the T&Cs of Twitter.

@jaan: haha, thats like 1 album nowadays.