
@CarcharoDon Carcharias: My droid had the constant restart/reboot problem. I sent it in and now its fine. Yes it is the best phone I've ever owned in spite of this. I'm gonna go ahead and pay the ETF and just get the incredible HD.

This shall be my new phone. Then I'll root my regular incredible and use it for other purposes, like a remote or I'll hack it into a game device.

He should've just sold em on ebay, or kept them and slept in a pile of them every night as if it was a pile of money. God I love promo cards.

best. present. ever.

I already use Vignette, and its amazing. I'm sure that us droid owners won't mind more options in the android market however.

I dunno, thats a lot of potentially liver damaging high fructose corn syrup I'd have to ingest to make a completely recyclable tree. Haha, jk, this is a great idea. Though lets hope fruit flies don't gather in the leftover sprite in the bottom of the bottles. This would make a great hobo christmas.

@WestwoodDenizen: I thought I kinda did get several layers deep, considering soil impact, impact on the watershed, plastic fertilizers, pesticides, disease, blight, transportation, pollution and so forth.

I wouldn't go on what the NYT has to say about this because there are more factors to consider on this issue. I have a fake tree and disposing of it would create more pollution. Also mono-culture (meaning planting only one type of crop year after year on the same land) is very bad for soil health.

@SteveJobsSexLife: good thing you held on to that receipt for proof that you ate a donut, or else no one would believe you.

Yeah I used to fry things shirtless in college. Several burns later I learned that was a bad idea. No one likes going to a kegger with a shirt that smells like fried foods. There is also no way in hell I would by splatter screen, thats for newbs and people that think that burns scars from cooking don't build

@foo: hmm, thats a way better idea than getting that vestax press.

@ctoon27: I love it when people just start non-sensically roleplaying in topics.

@macrumpton: Sales of predator drones would be allowed to non-NATO countries, however, that doesn't mean that the U.S. would approve of the sales to any country or person. But yes your point does ring true that we did supply both of the above-mentioned with arms to our ultimate downfall.

@macrumpton: Sales of predator drones would be allowed to non-NATO countries, however, that doesn't mean that the U.S. would approve of the sales to any country or person. But yes your point does ring true that we did supply both of the above-mentioned with arms to our ultimate downfall.

I wish I had a spare 14k around to throw on that vestax record press.

@Nathan V: The problem is that the people in the military or in the government that want to gain access to that information will put their jobs in jeopardy if they read the wikileaks information. Sending it to them anonymously would be a loophole because they didn't actively seek it out and their mail can't be

I would love to see Tron guy in a new Tron costume. That would be teh epics. I don't see him so much being a character in the movie as much as I do see him doing a cameo, that would be cool.

I kinda doubt that Anon has their own blogspot site. Not very Anonymous.

This is just awesome news. Now if we can do the same thing to cancer cells, maybe the ignorant won't hate on stem cell research so much.