
I love the writing of Dave Pell with the intensity of a thousand suns.

Someone should print all of what is on wikileaks and have it mailed to every service member's home so that they can be aware of what their government is doing. That way they can't get in trouble for going to the website or be accused of attempting to access that confidential material. An informed military can only

@KVirtanen: God bless the Peoples Republic of The United States of America.

To think, I almost switched from google to yahoo for this exact reason. Oh well, maybe not after all.

Nice, I like this very much.

It sucks dealing with dubious ebay users. For the most part people on ebay are intelligent, communicate well and know what they are getting into or are selling. It sucks to occasionally deal with someone who doesn't have what they are attempting to sell or don't own up to purchases they bid on. This seems like a

"Parent organization to the FBI" equals mind blown.

Franfettfuckster? You gotta be kidding me.

I don't know if Sam would be up for this, but I'd surely give him a hundred dollars to do one of me as part robot part zombie part ninja.

Maybe its just me, but I'd love to see a 140 character tweet which is a summary of Time magazine's issue for the month.

I have dreams that start like this and end in tsunamis.

Interesting take on a modern day, neighborly issue.

Sam Biddle, I am also on twitter to bear witness to the rediculousness of what my fav rappers say.

I don't know if he considers variables at all, since depending on how fair complected one is, the time differs to reach a tanned state. This also applies to weight loss since a person who weighs considerably more than another may have a tougher time in losing weight due to metabolic differences and differences in

@8thManOnTheMoon: I thought his rant was hilarious and totally true.

I changed my password on Saturday the 11th when I found out the gizmodo twitter account was hacked. Do I need to change it again? or was the one time enough?

I hope msoft gives them new xboxes with kinect and an awesome in-hospital theater. If I know anything about nerds on the internet, its that they will not let this go. Somehow with the resources of someone with a lot of money and nothing to do with it, those poor kids will get their game on again... I hope.

They should have an unfollow Thursday or something. I just unfollowed a couple of people today. If all I read on my twitter stream is marketing about your stupid product and stuff you say that isn't funny or interesting you get unfollowed.

He's just a kid, they should let him go with a warning. If anything they should find him a job.