
This trip is full of win. Good for him, I hope he has a rad time.

I heard he look-a like-a man.

As long as they charge a lot for minimal hardware updates and only have the proprietary apple charger/data transfer cord because I love devices with limited use you can not count me in!

I actually like this idea, but I have a feeling that the douches that type in all caps are not going to purchase a chrome laptop because they obviously don't even know how to use a caps lock key correctly.

The more I watch battlestar galactica the more I am freaked out by the concept of attractive robots. Are you sure they don't just want to murder you so damn hard?

They could have at least advised them to recycle it, jerks.

This would be a nice touch on cars.

Dude has gobs of nerd cred. I thought they were going to be modern gadgets. This clearly blew my mind.

I think I'll get a psp2 regardless. My psp is my go-to device for air travel. I have a android phone, but thats just something I use for minutes at a time, not for long long periods of time. If it is as powerful as John Riccitiello says it is, it is a must buy.

This is a drunken accident waiting to happen. I could just see someone tipsy enough walk over to the pole and fall down the hole without grabbing the aforementioned pole.

Lets hope they are funneling some of that military money into space exploration and mining projects on other planets. I'd join up just to go to space, damn that sounds wrong and unlike me. I'm sure as hell not buying a space flight since its a cool mil.

Now all I want to do is get that damn blu-ray from netflix to continue watching the first season of bsg. Khaaaaaaaaan!!!... err uhh number six!!!! it just doesn't sound the same.

Thats clearly arborio rice and not complex organisms that build themselves out of arsenic. Brown some prosciutto, add a splash of dry white wine and chicken broth and cook until al-dente and top with grated parmesan. If aliens are as tasty as a properly cooked risotto I look forward to colonizing other planets and

@andreasr2d2: chrome interaction with android via the 2.3 gingerbread update?

Smart women rule! I hope she helps discover new life forms on other planets too.

Now I want beer cooled slightly from a Missouri stream. Damn you Gizmodo, only two and half more hours of work and I'll have my beer.

I'm sure they'll make 3g all you can eat, but when you switch to 4g and wanna have all that speed for watching netflix or what have you, thats when the data usage will be monitored and overages would be charged.

It was the same before and after if you consider the proof logically. We won't be any closer to discovering alien life until we take space exploration more serioulsy.

We have to destroy the cylons now, before they realize they have to go to war with us.