Gabriel Chase

Carol invited herself, but they were all too uncomfortable to say anything.

I have to say, I came into the finale NOT wanting Jonah and Amy to get back together, but I feel these episodes made a solid case that Jonah and Hannah weren’t going to really work out, and that Jonah and Amy should be together

She was really good in Play Misty For Me, too. RIP

During the lockdown my wife and I binged a lot of 80s and 90s TV and she is all over that. From Magnum PI to Babylon 5. She showed up everywhere. Not counting regularly roles she had and the metric shit done of voice acting shes done. RIP

If you enjoy this show, AVOID rewatching Season 1. Some of the plot lines are incredibly cringy, and there’s a nasty multi-episode arc where Jonah is disgusted by the fact that Dina might be into him.

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When the script was right, nobody could play the nebbish neighbor here hopelessly smitten by hooker Streisand. When she explains she doesn’t always have sex with her clients and explains a guy pays her so he can roll hard boiled eggs at her while sitting spread eagle on the floor, Segal nails the confused horror

He looks like he’s both a sailor and a ballet dancer and terrible at both

Apparently he hasn’t seen the real alternate ending

Well I mean, she’s the youngest *now*.

Fools! They could get all the medals if they banned international athletes, too.

Spike and Joyce Summers on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The full letter is buttock-clenchingly passive-aggressive.

For half a sec I thought they were hosting together, and I actually like that idea; two celebrities who have nothing to do with each other doing dual hosting. 

“Antebellum” has romantic connotations because people worked very hard in the early 20th century to de-emphasize slavery as the backbone of 19th century southern culture. They were largely successful, which is why we can think of frilly hats, verandas, and mint juleps without considering whose labor paid for those

The hair/beard combo is throwing me. Either clean up the beard or grow out the hair. The neatly groomed hair doesn’t work with the shaggy beard.

I mean... if you gave me the choice right now to watch Avatar or Endgame in a theater... I’d probably pick Avatar. Hell, even if it were in 3D. I saw it originally in 3D and it was basically the only 3D movie I didn’t hate for being in 3D.

NHS says GOOP is poop and we’ve got the full scoop”

Gene Kelly to me defines the difference between an actor and movie star. He’s perfectly competent at the former, but absolutely nails the latter. He lights up almost every scene he’s in, no matter the film.