Gabriel Chase

Debra Wilson was easily one of the best performers on that show, always consistent and commited, and if there was any justice in the world she’d be a huge star today.

I also found sweet that little suspicion of Ned, being an honest person and all, sneaking into her diary to see how she actually felt. I’ve been there, and I hope that I don’t go through it twice like Ned. And yes, I got the same result.

“Oh, yeah? Who decides what’s quality and what isn’t? You, Mr. Bigshot Movie Director?”

Killing a dog doesn’t make her evil. Michael kicked a dog into the sun on The Good Place and he’s the architect of Eleanor and Chidi’s heaven. That reminds me, I really need to finish watching season one.

Before even reading this review, I came to the comments to glorify just how DEAD ON Olsen and Hahn were as Claire and Cam.

Olsen’s Claire was stunningly good. She had everything down - the hand movements, the expressions, the cadence. And Hahn played Cam just as astutely.

It was all the better to watch these two work

It's got a real Wicked Witch of the West "and your little dog, too" vibe to it.

Its a real shame Paul King isn’t directing this. He’s a true visualist, and can segue with the very very best of them

This Peabody-winning syndicated show is much like The A.V. Club in that it offers interviews, commentary, and criticism covering all forms of pop culture.

Not my favorite Ludlum novel

I was afraid they wouldn’t know what to do with Regina King. I don’t think they quite did, but she lit up the screen and helped pull over a number of sketches through sheer charisma and commitment.

It was a messy film, but it was hardly the disaster people (or the trailers) made it out to be. The orc storyline was actually pretty good. The human storyline was not as good.

He’s good, but Guillermo Del Toro has got not making films down to an art form.

Probably for the best. The show, despite losing its worst character, has still been unable to really creatively continue for a while now with a reliance on the same episodes cropping up almost every season.

Update: Armie’s been disowned by his parents, Sledge and MC.

Monica is clearly moved when Jimmy mentions Captain Marvel.

Monica was definitely “moved” by the mention of Captain Marvel, but I got the sense that her reaction was more one of anger... maybe she’s ticked that Aunt Carol didn’t come back for Lt. Trouble for so long?


This is a great choice. Not a groundbreaking movie, but a tight entertaining 90 minutes that delivers exactly what it says on the box and a cast with no weak members.

This is sad. I grew up watching Saved by the Bell and only know him through those series. Thanks to his portrayal of Screech, I was able to better accept, at a fairly early age, that I was weird and that’s ok. People should love you for who you are. Ok, I had to learn that lesson multiple times in life.

I...understand he had his issues, to put it gently. But even so, cancer is shitty and it ended a life that still had potential. Fuck cancer.