Gabriel Chase

I was hoping they’d cover Sister Act 2 in this, because much like the more recent defense of Pops in House Party, Ralph’s role in SA2 was a thankless one that she elevates immensely because she’s Sheryl Lee Ralph. And, if her daughter wasn’t Lauryn Hill, she’d almost certainly be correct — and she relents basically as

It’ll cost you...

- New Mutants are so old...

His is a life that honestly you think is made up, and then you see the facts, and accept that there are folk out there that were in the right place at the right time and always made an impact.

Gillian Jacobs? She’d get into a dangerous situation, but she’d just Britta it.

Palimpsest and haberdashery are entirely cromulent words and I will not have them so scurrilously impugned.

Interestingly, “five foxes fucking” was in an older version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

we all are technically

It’s very simple casting given how alien Quinto looks, but he would absolutely make an utterly sensational Brainiac. Seriously, he would absolutely crush a role like that.

“Andy, you've never washed your hands?"

I mean, she’s used to it.

But only if you mix up the parts. The world needs to see Quinto’s sassy, sultry Lois Lane.

Pretty great—especially for a rushed charity project.

He’s looking skinny, get that man a calzone!

I really hope that’s Retta’s real closet, cause it looked delightful

P&R rivals The Simpsons (1-9) for my favorite show of all time, and this really made my heart feel full and happy. I pulled my Lil Sebastian shirt out of my closet to wear to work tomorrow.

Protip:  No matter how poor of a college student you are, donating plasma while you’re hungover is a BAD IDEA.

The real reason they fired him is because he wouldn’t stop eating their cats

To be clear, these are just guidelines...