Gabriel Chase

I mean... you may not care for Dunham but he certainly has a right to protect his intellectual property. My social media feeds have been inundated with ads for face masks with Baby Yoda and Schitt’s Creek on them and I’m pretty sure they aren’t officially licensed either.

American museums: “Oh, you Brits wanna see something reaaaaalllly creepy? Look at the condition of arts education funding in the US.

Johnny Karate movie shooting on location.

Night Manager felt like Hiddleston’s audition for James Bond, and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen now.

Ah, the ComicsGate historical revision.

I watched The Black Sleep. Basil Rathbone, Lon Chaney Jr., Tor Johnson (what movie needs both LCJ and Tor?), Bela Lugosi in his last completed film (with essentially no lines), John Carradine going full John Carradine, and Akim Tamaroff as the comic relief. God I wish cast commentaries had a been a thing in 1956.

I really was not expecting to see this mentioned on this message board... I’ve been on websites a lot this week trying to find copies of Guy N. Smith’s crab books (particularly with the late-’80s U.S. covers). Unfortunately they’re cost-prohibitive. 

Still no, actually. Nothing about his personal life is your business no matter how much you wish it to be.

I mean yes they aren't dead, but deportation is a pretty big obstacle. I wouldn't call that neutered exactly. 

And to account for the lack of visuals, a full five minute descriptive guide to what the birds look like. 

Oh, The Places You Should Not Go

Well said but many, many of us on the other side of the border, who see this shit every day, ponder the absurdity of this as well. I personally don’t believe it has anything to do with anyone’s twisted notion of freedom. “Freedom” is just a bullshit lie of a label for selfishness and greed and it is inherently tied to

I don’t think that can be possible, since Andy Samburg was a character on Parks that had trouble controlling the volume of his voice, but then again, his dad did have many illegitimate children, so maybe it’s a long long half brother in Indiana..

I was expecting the Bone Broth deal to fall apart due to the revelation of some appalling process or ingredient required to make it. Leaving out the salt was a smart dodge.

A great Amy dork-dance is the quickest way to my heart. Indeed-indeed-indeed-indeed.

“no one currently writing this sentence disagrees with me”

I don’t really want to get into it, but that was Foucault’s argument in The History of Sexuality, that Victorian prudishness actually drew attention to sexuality and heightened its provocativeness, and was intended to do so 

Walk without rhythm and you won’t attract the worm.

loved Cheddar’s extra long intro

Simmons is notoriously a teetotaler. Conceited, narcissistic asshole, yes but not a drug/alcohol user.