My wife loves Saabs and always wanted a convertible so a NP for a summer cruising car.
My wife loves Saabs and always wanted a convertible so a NP for a summer cruising car.
I was about to make an offer (from 500 miles away) then I saw “automatic.” NP regardless.
Huh. Usually our racist grey posters are fairly short-winded. The one that posted on this article managed to crank out a long wall-o-text. The account seems to have been created simply to post this one long, lonely Faux News what-about screed.
Parents, you have at the very least two choices in these situations. If you child does some insensitive or racist or otherwise disrespectful shit, you can use it as a teachable moment to make them better young men/women... or you can “So and so is the REAL racist!” the situation, ensuring your kids grow up with even…
I always liked Chance the Rapper. He’s a good guy.
You appear to have a small transcription error in that Walker quote; I believe it’s most accurately:
I would love, just once, when these abjectly stupid arguments are presented, for a journalist or judge or whoever to just take a moment of silence, take a deep breath, and ask the person, “Do you think I’m stupid?”
He was never as big of a threat to society as J. Edgar Hoover and certainly not G.W. Bush and Donald Trump.
The US defines any “port of entry” as an external boundary for purposes of immigration enforcement. And as noted in the blog, the Border Patrol has very strong enforcement powers within 100 aviation miles of the boundary. It is some disturbing stuff when you realize just how this has been abused by the federal…
Chicago has an international sea port, plus an international airport. Two things that can qualify an area as on the international border.
The map is inaccurate. Anywhere where people can enter the US qualifies as border zone. Like, say, an airport.
If you come for Draymond Green, you best not miss. He’s not going to take an apology and let you slink your racist ass back into the darkness.
The supreme court cannot be “bullied”. Under his breath, he whispers: It CAN, however, be “bought”, “stolen”, “influenced”, or a great many other things.
This is my 2430th—and final—blog as this site’s night man. After five years of writing here almost every day, I am moving on to pursue a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I will still occasionally publish some freelance posts here, and really want to see what Bob can do with the place.
Sir Herb has said we can’t do…
Why make a yoke at all?