General Santa Anna Kendrick Lamar Odom's Leg

Agreed. This is exactly what DTP was meant for — defund bloated police forces so you can fund appropriate response mechanisms. Rochester itself agrees:

[...] the massive obelisk was removed last year after a judge ruled it a public nuisance and safety threat.

Someone else, please find the words to encompass my rage. I have infinite stars to give but am fresh outta fucks for these animals.

Hm. Cawthorn, Greene, Boebert, & Gaetz...

Uh-oh. You know how Undercover Couples sometimes dress alike? Yeezy’s rebound’s looking stoopid juicy.... \s

Ooh, I love the word-scramble. Let’s see....

Rep. McCarthy has waxy ears. Facts. How do I know? Because he obviously can’t hear the Soundtrack of Black America: sliding its chair legs back, taking off its earrings, turning its rings around to the palm-side, snatching a spatula from the kitchen drawer and taking test swings.

<jaw hits the floor...routine>

Amen. Situational awareness. It’s like a secret sauce that keeps you safe from spatula-spankings, mouf-slaps, and glares from aunties.

About gotdayum time! TimTams are spectacular; I thank my uncle-in-law (RIP, you expat genius) for smuggling them stateside for us.

Let’s all take a minute to look down and appreciate those shoulders we’re standing on. Giant, Brave & Humble shoulders. RIP, king.

Man, my day just keeps getting better. Size trece right here, ‘migo, and AmEx just replaced my janky-chipped card. “What wifey don’t know...

Oh frabjous day! The 1776 Commission is now the “404-Error Commission”...

So much gold here— big, beautiful gold. But, um...:

When Stephen Miller stares into the abyss, he probably finds it too unsettlingly black, mutters the n-word, and begins drafting anti-abyss legislation.

My pleasure! I’m forwarding that Thanks to Emily Alford, too. She’s the Throwback Hero of the Day.

The trick is, you gotta spray their nests. #whiteflight

There is a non-zero chance that Donald was present for this photo-shoot: 17-year old Ivanka circa February 1998 and her awkwardAF finger placement. Ick.