Gryphon Osiris

Hell, I’d cash out my 401K plan if it meant I could get $1 punches on Nazi’s.

I did beta gameplay testing on this game years ago for EA, ended up getting it as a ‘payment’ from one of my play sessions with them. Glad to see that it isn’t completely dead yet.

Point of note, Dingo finds Jehuty on Europa, not on the moons of Mars (Deimos and Phobos).

Damn, it’s been 15 something years and I still remember that.

Now now, what about ‘A Grain of Truth’? I can do with some Nivellen mischief.

And don’t forget “Edge of the World” for our favorite Sylvan.

The picture gave it away as fake: the number is normally in the bottom corner not the top, and the authors name isn’t across the top of the page normally.

Discounting the fact also that; having read the book that I can tell you that this was nowhere in the book. I wouldn’t expect everyone to remember everything in the

Sounds like she’s having the grown up version of “I’m not just another kid, ‘I’M THE PRINCESS’!!!!

You know, he’s working. It may not be acting but he has a job. I’ve had 3 career changes in my life. It happens. Good for him to roll with it and keep up a good sense of humor.

The lore even explicitly states that that the SPARTAN II’s have a dramatically reduced sexual drive as part of the their genetic therapy and augmentation.

Non-Paywall version:

I’m surprised that the people who watch them can count to 5.

Apparently the GOP forgets that the Nazi’s are running as GOP because even they know that Nazi’s are indefensible.

There is a whole list of things Trump doesn’t understand; it’s called “The Encyclopedia Britannica”.

George Orwell is face palming in his grave right now...

According to the Kampala Dispatch, Taylor confessed to police, but said he had a “medical condition that made him lose his temper and senses.”

Is that called “Old, racist, white fuck disease?”

I wouldn’t be surprised if the ghouls at Fox news call every black man they see in a service industry “George”.

I wouldn’t even go that far. They’d find their crap in a pile on the lawn with a ‘Free’ sign in front of it.

Remember though, these alt-nazi fucks are also blatantly misogynistic, so they wouldn’t even do that for their own mother.

Vote moron, that way these guys will actually have some attainable life goals.

Perhaps, but if I had a kid who turned Nazi I’d kick their ass out in a New York minute.