Considering that this is a guy who supports the Nazi’s so we can’t expect them to be particularly intelligent.
Considering that this is a guy who supports the Nazi’s so we can’t expect them to be particularly intelligent.
Doubt it. It could come out that he had Ivanka get multiple abortions for pregnancies caused by him and they would praise him for it.
Hell, his base would cheer for him if he outright started using racial slurs left and right.
Hell, my great, great, grandfather came here legally: he deserted from the Royal Navy in Canada, and rowed a boat over under cover of darkness into Washington.
Apparently, for this administration that plan only works if you are white.
Makes you wonder: do his parents wish they could go back in time and drown him in the tub?
LOL, it’s pretty obvious what happened: This space cadet Roger Stone saw a picture of them dressed as astronauts, didn’t look too closely at it, nor got the joke and thought it looked cool.
Fucking imbecile.
The one I always hated was when taking a tech support call some self-important asshole saying “Do you know who I am?” To which I wished I could say “I don’t give a flying **** who or what you think you are, just please stop talking and follow my instructions for one minute please.”
I dunno, I worked as a Tier 1 tech for a residential VOIP service (no, not that one, the other one.... no, the other other one....) and while I do treat service people better for it, I started to ****ing hate humanity afterwards.
It’s a give and take, I guess.
Kelly Anne feels like Trump told some lackey that they need a skinny blonde as part of the team to be between him and the public, and didn’t specify anything else. So they found the oldest, dumbest and ugliest person possible who would even talk to them.
Nah, the original Nazi’s would be ashamed of these inbred goat humpers.
The “You assholes again?” sign is perfect! :-D
That would be a stick, ;-)
This is what I think of when I hear about that stupid Space Force crap:
Problem is that all the racist retrogrades out there that believe her crap don’t think they are racist; they believe that their family bush (not tree) is genetically superior.
“including four “ink ribbons,” which are just masking tape.”
For the $900 they are changing for it, I’d want real typewritter ribbons!
Nah, Marines eat crayons, remember, ;-)
Funny, because in boot they would haze people during sit ups saying “I bet you could do another sit-up if that was a video game.”
Hateful, very hateful. They hate this scumbag.
I have several family Veterans who describe him in language that not even Kinja would allow.
We have a Kentucky Fried Root Beer (KFC/A&W) Combo that does a pseudo-poutine. It ain’t half bad.