Gryphon Osiris


For some reason I got this mental image of Kelly Ann Conway wearing a Gestapo uniform, being that she’s Bannon’s protege.

MLK Jr. was standing up to men like Trump and Bannon. No way in high heaven or low hell would he like these creeps.

Grandpa, who fought fascist in Europe, I’m certain is doing barrel rolls in his grave over this shit.

Godendag’s would be better, you can beat the message in then.

Most far right folks right now would shoot themselves in the genitals with their most beloved guns if they thought it would piss off or hurt the other side.

He’s the scariest damn character in modern video gaming.

Considering that this video is metaphorical masturbation, I’d figured his funeral video would be him masturbating into a mirror.

Apparently, the White House is Middle school.

Her and her family are a wonderful example of Halon’s Razor:

Most of the Trump supporters would discharge both barrels of a break top shotgun into their genitals if they though it would hurt liberals.

Frau Merkel looks like a teach scolding an unruly child.

This is Trump’s version of “I’m not racist, I have that black friend.... what’s his name....”

Would need to see how many teeth the parent’s have left to be sure. If they have a full set of front teeth, then it probably is. If they are missing a bunch, well.....

Indeed, Kim may be a massive egomaniac, but unlike Trump he’s not a complete fucking idiot.

You know, if there wasn’t a threat of nuclear war behind this, I’d think it would be funny as hell to watch him try to bullshit a team that has spent months prepping for this idiot.

So, when you ask someone a yes/no question and they immediately start trying to bullshit you, that is a clear sign that they are trying to lie. Devos spent a lot of time trying to bullshit in this video.

Do you want SkyneT? Because this is how you get Skynet!

Fox news lying?!?!? No, say it ain’t so!!!