“Trump understood nothing.”
At this point, does this really surprise anyone?
“Trump understood nothing.”
At this point, does this really surprise anyone?
I’m pretty sure a lot of right wing folk don’t know how google work, since google would have showed them how much of a fuck stick Trump is. It’s either that or they like how much of a fuck stick he is.
I have a toddler who mostly just says “baba”, “dada”, “yeah” and “mommy” and she’s more articulate than Trump.
‘Derp state’ would be the most accurate description for the people who spread deep state rumors.
You know if the shooter had dark skin town he’d use harsher language. Let’s not kid ourselves on that.
I’d show up, but just to take pleasure in insulting him to his face.
I’m torn on this: for one, I want them to call this miserable lying fuck out every chance they get. On the other side of it, if they did that you know he might blow a gasket and start having people man handled, arrested, or worse for calling him on his lies.
There enough smoking guns in his administration to equal multiple firing squads for him and all his cronies.
It’s fun watching them eat their own.
Trump is always just one step shy of saying “Go murder these folks” but still putting the idea in his loyal zombie legions that they are the enemy and must be ‘dealt’ with.
His whole schtick is publicly masturbating himself.
Is there a difference?
Of course they are. Trump is desperate to milk every cent from his brain dead supporters.
I’m amazed that the water didn’t dissolve Tomi; ie The Wicked Witch of the West.
Ask her no questions and receive from her no lies.
I missed two days of work because of a serious cardiovascular issue and felt guilty that I let me team hanging. I guess some people never learn common decency, or to think for someone else besides themselves.
Tracer is popular because she’s the cute English girl with the nice ass. It’s right up there with the popularity of Mei, the curvy cute Chinese nerd with nice butt and rack that makes the lonely nerds want her as a waifu.
I’ve been to Montana: It’s the Whitest fucking state I’ve ever been to. These rubes probably have never seen a person who was Mexican or anything other than sunburned white guys.
It’s a Trump supporter...