In the pre-Commodore Perry time he would have been disemboweled for his disrespect.
In the pre-Commodore Perry time he would have been disemboweled for his disrespect.
We have a Costco near us that sells both the full pork belly and2 inch thick strips of pork belly. and every time I go there I lust of it, but get shot down from the wife. She asks what would I do with all that: Simple: cure it, cold smoke it, cook it, and eat it. It’s so full of win.
When she gets passed her weird stuff, she really can pull down a great look. Her in an evening dress singing ‘Baby it’s cold outside’ with Joseph Gordon-Levitt was pretty spectacular.
Since it’s past my NDA, did afocus group with them about DS3, and they were talking about the co-op fashion, we all commented about it taking the ‘scary’ aspect from the game, because now you have support. One of the ideas that they floated was that you play as Isaac, and the other player was a mental projection from…
Considering that the term for right and left is Dexter for right derived from Latin, sinister for left also from Latin.
Ask and ye shall receive, along with all the supporting documentation. As for when this switch happened, well, that started in 1948 with the split of the Dixiecrats, but it continued into the early 1980's, so there is no ‘one’ date to say that they flipped.:
Although the phrase “Southern strategy” is often attributed…
I also think he’s trying vainly to distance himself from Trump and Pence, so he can go “See I helped LGBT rights!”
Um... Skippy, you do know that the Democrats and GOP switched party affiliations, the so-called ‘Southern strategy” during the 1960's right?
Just shows you how much of a fucking moron Trump is, and this fucking mouth breather has nuclear launch authority.
Pharah and MacCree for me.
He’s not even that, at least something can grow because of shit.
Went to the same high school as my father. They used to have auto, wood, and metal shop there even a few years before I started, all of which went away as funding got tight. In just about every aspect the funding got less and less except for sports, because people need their bread and circuses.
Any bets that Trump can’t even spell ‘IQ’?
If they want to take away a woman’s rights to control her own reproductive system, then someone needs to put a law in that requires the sperm donor to have to take parental responsibility for the child too or face jail time. They look at pregnancy as being ‘the woman’s problem’ and that the man who knocked her up can,…
Trump having a massive coronary due to his incredibly unhealthy diet would work too.
“He loves this country. He puts Americans and America first. He’s smart and he demands results,”
With the number of lies in that statement, you know he’s trying to save his BS job.
“The family has declined to say what privacy measures have been placed on the domain, but a person familiar with the setup said some security measures were taken when it was installed”
Why they have the best cyber security that Putin’s team could come up with.
Knowing this jack-hole, he thinks PR was invaded by Mexicans who pushed all the ‘real Americans’ out.
The Pear of Anguish, perhaps?
My guess, they are playing to the cowboy, hero fantasies of the middle American moron.