Gryphon Osiris

If there is a heaven, these pilots have earned their place in it.

They could have anchored a bird farm (helicopter carrier) off the Island within 2-3 days of the hurricane making landfall and sent helos out to ferry supplies right to the most needed areas and brought back injured for medical treatment.

When he goes before St. Peter, Anubis, the Valkyries or whatever divine being judges him that statement will haunt him and he will be condemned to the deepest, darks, cruelest part of damnation ever known.

Personally, I’m ok with HOA’s in the condo/townhouse scenario because the dues pay for lawn maintenance, pool, club house, ect. In a neighborhood level a HOA are a bunch of bored, busy body old folk who want to keep the area stagnant to the 1950's and would sell out their own relatives if it meant they could get

Are we talking RAM jet style like a V1?

Actually, I live backed up to a golf course and we don’t have a HOA. My parents, on the other hand, live in a planned community built during WWII and they have, as they put it, “HOA Nazi’s”.

I remember the short they did in the Animatrix “Detective Story”. That man can do no wrong.

Immunity to the major charges, but none of the minor ones, that way he can be tried for those ones and still go to jail.

I don’t know if you follow Star Citizen at all, but about 2 years ago there was a falling out between the Dev’s and the Goons because the Goons tried to dictate to the Dev team how THEY wanted the game to be. The devs politely listened, and eventually told them ‘No, that’s not how we see the game turning out.’ and

I’m not even English but I still love the Queen. She reminds me so much of my own paternal grandmother.

Looks like we should fire this som’bitch instead.

It’s also highly inappropriate for children this young. This isn’t an assignment one would give until at least junior or senior year of high school.

I dunno, I think she is too ripped for the role. Laura is supposed to be a college student that does climbing, while Jessie Graff is a Amazonian goddess practically.

I dunno, I’m still convinced that the rallies were so he could work up a woody for Ivanka, and the money was just a happy side effect.

Now, if you had bothered to actually read the WHOLE article about the Manafort wire taping then you’d know that they were wire tapping him 2 years before he started working for Cheetolini.

But, of course, you knew that, you were just checking to see who hadn’t read the whole article, right?

Let me give the direct quote

You know, I always figure that ‘twat’ and ‘cunt’ should always be right there at the tip of your tongue. :-P

Reality has a biased against them, I’m amazed they haven’t declared war on it yet.

It must be a Tennessee thing, because I worked with a woman from there, same twang in her voice, and totally incapable of talking crap about anyone.

I agreed, the budget is moderate, but the fact that the backers have been seeing the dev on a weekly basis with updates on art assets, debugging, dev pipelines, and builds that are far earlier than any dev house would be willing to put out, well, there is not a comparison.

You think she’d learn after the abomination that was ‘Glitter’.