I’ve done testing on AAA games from EA (Sorry, still under NDA) that also haven’t had the same level of open dev info even for the testing team that Star Citizen has for its backers.
I’ve done testing on AAA games from EA (Sorry, still under NDA) that also haven’t had the same level of open dev info even for the testing team that Star Citizen has for its backers.
“There are, of course, less ethical ways to cut costs. Mostly involving taking advantage of your employees (who are usually young and fairly easy to take advantage of), but I find those companies don’t often last more than one or two shipped titles.”
Also known as the ‘Derek Smart’ business plan.
Plus she’s such a sweet person that one feels guilty about saying anything bad about her.
Someone should tell stupid that if the united states stays in the Paris Agreement he’ll be wildly popular. He’s dumb enough and desperate enough to be liked that he might do it.
I’m amazed he didn’t just call him ‘George’.
I’d rather he have ‘Rapist’ tattooed across his forehead and on both cheeks.
Or he’s scared of her because she is stronger than him and can tear him down with only a few words.
I’m surprised too, I’d assume that when ever a female candidate came in to interview he’d ask her if she can make coffee and if she believes sexual harassment to be a problem or a perk of working for him.
Part of why he’s after PBS, Sesame street made multiple parodies of him.
Nope, meant Ivanka. I have a gut feeling he is the real father of his ‘grandkids’.
If he is appalled with foul language I could quote him some of my TI’s favorite phrases in basic, it would cause him to burst a vessel or 12.
Whatever that girl wants for her birthday/Christmas: give it to her, even if it means a real live pony.
Damn, now I want to take a ride of the Giant Dipper.
To pull an old one out: “If brains were dynamite they couldn’t even blow their nose”.
Ok, I apologize for the language here but I feel we are all thinking it:
What the flying fucking Moses is this fucking cock nozzle doing running a reelection campaign when he spends all day dreaming about bum fucking his daughter, watching Fox news, and sodomizing the government without lube? Shouldn’t he get off his…
Drowning, no, but have him tied up in raw sewage just barely up to his bottom lip. I’ll let your imagination do the rest.
True enough, since Donald is on record to not raise his own kids but have someone else do it, you know he wouldn’t raise the kids he sired with Ivanka.
The more they fight one another, the more the GOP will be willing to dump his orange ass.
I agreed, a grown woman calling someone ‘Daddy’, invokes mental images of a gold digger and a sugar daddy, which in this case is correct.
“Just what this country needs, a bunch of 30 year old infants.”