Also tried in WWI with Cuirassiers, but the shiny metal breast plate was a shiny target for a sharp eyed sniper, not to mention machine gun fire would rip the horse and rider to pieces.
Also tried in WWI with Cuirassiers, but the shiny metal breast plate was a shiny target for a sharp eyed sniper, not to mention machine gun fire would rip the horse and rider to pieces.
I’m impressed that they have lancers in this patch. In WWI it was tried on the Western front in the very beginning, but they were cut down very quickly by machine gun and rifle fire.
And what about all the refugees Trump wants to turn away with that travel ban of his?
So, he denounced racism, and his church was unhappy about that? Son, you’re better off elsewhere than that hateful little group of in-breds.
I’m rather curious about the ME-163 clone I saw in the trailer, will it have only a short flight time as the rocket motor burns itself out? ;-)
Plus, what dumb-ass says this when they are bloody well being recorded?
You see, if more religious groups acted like this, I wouldn’t have problems with organized religions. With a lot of ‘Christians’ (speaking as an apostate myself) they treat wearing the cross as their own personal “I can be a massive hemorrhoid in public” badge. On the other end of the spectrum, I have nothing but…
I’m convinced that it’s a Lavender wedding to hide that Jared is gay, and Ivanka is fucking her father.
I imagine in that shot he’s thinking: “Ok, I gotta look good while I escort Ivanka and Donald’s kids/grandkids down.”
And if you are Irish, not only indulging in schadenfreude ok, it’s bloody well encouraged!
So the bottom one is Ivanka and the top one is Jared?
Doing the right thing means that people don’t need to ask you to bloody well DO THE RIGHT THING! If he was anything but a two bit charlatan he would have offered the location as a shelter days before the storm ever made landfall.
Fecking hypocrite snake oil salesman.
I’m honored that you commented on my snide comment, :-P
It’s things like this that make it harder and hard to believe that Trump wasn’t colluding with the Russians.
I’d love to see her rip into Trump the same way she did here:
Saw a video of her ripping a new asshole for some guy who was getting veteran benefits because he sprained an ankle or something playing football in ROTC. I can only imagine how she’d tear into Mr. Bone-spurs.
And the Nazi flag doesn’t stand for the Genocide of 6-9 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and political prisoners.... right?
The Tuskegee Airmen did a lot to help with that, particularly with the integration of the US Armed Forces.
Exactly!!!! But the Jack-ass-in-chief, Mr. Fake bone spurs, wouldn’t know that the bond of battle brothers/sisters goes as deep as family.
She could make Chuck Norris stand in respect for her bad-ass-ness.