Gryphon Osiris

Scarlett is cute, but Christina is a goddess.

I use ‘The Jack-ass in Chief’

Yeah, but who’d want to taste his leathery, burned steaks?

He’s does what a poor man thinks how the rich live: tacky, gaudy and tries to brag about their wealth.

He’s pissed that there isn’t enough faux gold embroidery and paneling everywhere, along with paintings and statues of him prominently displayed for all to see.

Agreed, loyalty is built when the leader shows that not only are they concerned for your well being, but will fight for you as if you were family.

That is the kind of man the defines a leader. He breeds loyalty by supporting his people and making their fight his. I’m certain his people would sail straight to hell for him after this. Trumps followers will tell Donny to go to hell instead.

Funny you mention that. Originally the whole ‘Cloverleaf’ plot of ‘Who Framed Rodger Rabbit’ was also going to be the main plot of the 3rd movie in the ‘Chinatown’ series, which wasn’t made. The first movie (Chinatown) was about water in LA, the 2nd film (The Two Jakes) was about petroleum, and the third (Cloverleaf)

I enjoyed how they linked the whole game to the LA freeway deals in the late 40's early 50's. There was quite a bit of skullduggery involved in that in real life.

As I find, most dumb blondes aren’t natural blondes.

Getting own by JK is like being corrected by your mother, you know she is right but you want to argue just because you don’t want to give her the win.

And she will school you without even trying.

He may have tapes of Donny and Ivanka doing the nasty, or something.

Sadly, US murder mysteries, even Castle, lack the complexity, subtlety and level of red herrings of a good English murder mystery, like Midsommer Murders.

When my wife was in labor she was glad I was there, because I kept coaching her on her breathing, holding her hand, getting her water, ect. 30 something hours in labor, it was a freaking marathon and a half for her.

He’s about as useless as an asshole with taste buds.

Hell, even that wouldn’t have kept me from being there when my little girl was born.

I imagine that a right hook to his jaw would leave him sniveling like a baby without their blankey.

In the case of Mooch, he’s simultaneously gargling Trump’s junk while kissing his ass.

I think more that he’s trying to do his job the same way he worked as a hedge fund manager: by screwing over anyone else that stands in his way to promotion.

Why would they, she’s a woman, and as their recent history shows, the GOP thinks women should be quiet and in the kitchen.