Who says that he hasn’t already been doing that?
Who says that he hasn’t already been doing that?
“Rep. Duckworth said in a statement Wednesday that when her Black Hawk helicopter was shot down, she didn’t care “if the American troops risking their lives to help save me were gay, straight, transgender or anything else. All that mattered was they didn’t leave me behind.”
A-freaking-men. If you are in the…
The military currently spends more on viagra than they spend on transgender services:
I can’t help but notice that even in this, he objectifies the victims with “So they’ll take a young, beautiful girl...”.
A normal person would say something like “They take a young girl...”, but for him she isn’t a person, just something for him to ogle at.
They are fun to mess with though. When they make calls against socialism, ask if they like the 40 hour work week, the weekend, unemployment insurance, Paid time off, paid sick days, medicaid, medicare, the FDA, public schools, Social security, the interstate highway system, child labor laws, and any number of services…
Need to get people to get through his ‘vetting’ process and then do nothing but praise the ACA right in front of him on national TV. Won’t happen though, he’ll just bring in some shills to play make believe.
Better yet, if they want sex, buy a real Doll. In the long run it will be cheaper for them, and since they apparently only like the genitals on women to be the only functional part it works out for them.
A lot of the newer stuff frankly is trash, but Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin were brilliant.
To be fair, most of the guys who write and draw this stuff have no experience with real tits anyway.
I guess we finally found the limit of the shit Spicey was willing to put up with.
I miss the days when TLC was The Learning Channel and they had educational programming, not reality shows.
Needs Record of Lodoss War under Fantasy, and Trigun under action/comedy, ;-)
Here’s hoping they find their gonads and vote against it.
They are so butt-hurt that we had a Black President in the White House that they will do anything to put a Republican in office. Even if that means he is a immature, vulgarian, traitor moron.
Donny’s probably shopping for his next concubine to replace Melania..
Hillary’s hair dresser could have a heart attack because they are a 70 year chain smoker, and the far rights would blame Hillary over it. Personally I’m more inclined to think Putin had this guy put down.
Yes, because getting sand blasted by a combined 50,000 pounds of thrust from hot jet engines is such a smart thing to do.
LOL, funny, but no, ;-)
She would refer too ‘downstairs’ in the third person as the character from the book, speaking like that character would. As mentioned before, it was creepy.
Typical bully, he thinks he’s tough until he gets in trouble with the authorities, then he turns into a whimpering puddle of piss.
I have a bottle of 12 year old and another of 20 year old scotch on stand-bye.... we may need to use the small cups though.