1000% times this, he’s stupid and he thinks he is untouchable. I wonder if he’ll tell Bubba in Leavenworth that he’s “untouchable”.
1000% times this, he’s stupid and he thinks he is untouchable. I wonder if he’ll tell Bubba in Leavenworth that he’s “untouchable”.
We have our flaws, but my parents made sure to raise us right.
Agreed, ‘gentleman’ isn’t something you do because you expect to get something out of it. It’s a state of mind and way of life. Frankly, if someone brags about how much ‘of a gentleman’ they are, they aren’t one, because they feel the need to get credit for being a decent human being.
If I were ever accused of rape first my father then my mother would kick the holy shit out of me, and turn me over to the cops.
He sounds like someone one who almost certainly has committed a few rapes in his past.
That’s the one I don’t get. They say that they aren’t going to be gentlemen anymore, which really means they never were one, they were just playing the role for appearances. It’s not something that you turn on and off when the mood fits you. It’s like manners, either you have them, or you don’t.
I, as a guy, look at the whole “Men’s rights” movement the same as one would look at a “Catholic’s Rights movement” in Italy. It’s beyond narrow minded and silly because they are upset about having to treat other human beings who happen to be female as if they are actually human beings. If you look and most of what…
My ex shared the name of the main character in this series, and creepily tended to use this book as an example of how sexual relations should be.
Needless to say, it turn off any interest I have at reading the series whatsoever.
Well, they call me Hangin’ Donny
Away boys, away
Well, they’ll never hang this body
And it’s hang boys, hang
Well, first they hanged my junior
Away boys, away
His sister and his brother
And it’s hang boys, hang
Well, next they hanged my lawyers
Away boys, away
Well, they’d hang all the staffers
And it’s hang boys, hang
Well, I’ll…
I think he’s doing this in order to turn state’s evidence against daddy.
Brain was still caffeinating at the time, I’m lucky I didn’t count it out all in ‘I’s
I just liked that it got away from the angsty teen romance stories of FFVIII, FFVIIII, and FFX.
Hell, even ‘Das Boot’ which portrayed the Kriegsmarine Submariners in a favorable light didn’t portray the Nazi’s very favorably.
To be fair, the Nazi’s did have rather nice looking uniforms for being a bunch of evil bastards.
Part of me wants to slap him and say “Wrong head gear, idiot!” If you are going to dress up as SS, get the right hat for the uniform at least.
A good example of that is the romantic idea of the Pre-war south being plantations, battalions, debutantes, Smooth talking gentlemen, and southern belles. What they fail to realize is that could only happen through massive amounts of slavery to be able to let those land owners to make a massive profit with very low…
My man, was about to say that!
So Pharma-douche is going down, he’s going down. It feels like we are a country are taking down the low level bosses before going after Gannondorf.
Holy fecking hell, that looked like something that Joseph Goebbels would have been proud of.
It’s the only time that they can win. That and the only time they can cheat without someone knocking their teeth in.