Gryphon Osiris

We could use a miracle now, I agree.

I wonder if anyone told him that in the Salem Witch trials they didn’t burn them at the stake, but sent them to the gallows? I wonder if he even knows when the Salem Witch Trials happened?

They think irony is what you do to wrinkly shirts.

Too much history for a Trump supporter, they don’t believe history existed for more than 20 years.

I’ve been spending the last few months explaining to people that the Nazi’s although their name translates out to National Socialist German Workers Party, were in fact extremely far right.

Trump wishes he could have been as successful as Julius Caesar. Seriously that guy kicked butt until he was stabbed, :-P

We are talking about Trump supporters, last week they probably had never even heard of William Shakespeare.

The Queen, he father, her uncle, her sons, her grandsons, her grandfather and so on proudly served in the military during time of war. Trump got deferments for ‘bone spurs’ that magically disappeared once the the war was over.

....Make him part of the tour!

I have to disagree with her. Trump is not a cunt...... He lacks the depth, warmth, softness and usefulness to earn that title.

Such are voice actors, for example, the English voice of Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop. Faye is mind numbingly hot, her English voice actress...... not so much.

Eric Trump always makes me think of the Botchling from Witcher 3, like one grew up and became bipedal.

Agreed, this is not the way to earn favor. now if they did it to EA, then that would be another matter.

I think also ‘The Guild’ with Felecia Day helped normalize it too, since if you ever played D&D or WoW you know at least half the character in the series in real life.

Leave him in orbit in a space suit with a MMU and just enough fuel to be able to deorbit himself.

The only good side about these incidents is that the cock wombles are now no longer hiding so everyone knows who these human excrement stains are.

If it were me that they were attacking, I could hold my temper, but it they tried to lay a hand on my daughter I’d rip their whole arm off and give them a proctological exam with it.

The delusion of privilege; they think that because they believe themselves to be superior, that others will capitulate and go “Yes, mas’sir, whatever you say mas’sir.”

Agreed, anyone with a soul and as much money as Trump claims to have would not only provide the services for free, but MATCH all the donations.

I still can’t feel sorry for them. If it were my own father I’d call him out on this bullshit.