Gryphon Osiris

They can’t find his heart to stab the silver stake into. That or the soul vessel is hidden so well that this Lich will never die.

First his ego murdered Syrians children, now he plans on murdering the planet.

Frankly, is anyone surprised that this administration is a complete black hole of unethical behavior?

“Hey Donald, Marcon, tell Ivanka that the night we had together was amazing, and that she left her undergarments at my place. She also said that I’m better in bed than you and can go all night, unlike you.”

It’s still not going to make daddy pay attention to you sweetheart. He’s had his eye on Ivanka since she was starting puberty.

After they checked to make sure that the attacker wasn’t on their payroll.

I’d probably greeting him with, “How’re you doing your orange faced ass weasel?”

The extra, extra firm handshake is a little more mature, though.

He would throw Tiffany under the bus, because he barely acknowledges her existence. Ivanka on the other hand is the only one he loves, if his whole reverse Oedipus thing with her could be called love.

Why? She has Donald.

Everything about that family is inappropriate.

What I don’t get there is why Melania is there instead of Ivanka? They wanted spouses not concubines.

We could hope, but that will be the easy way out for him, and we don’t want that.

Trump would have a heart attack during the warm ups.

He’s just pissed that Merkel has bitch slapped him (metaphorically) every time they’ve met,

The same crime but half the punishment.

The privilege of power: you can commit treason and it is not a big thing.

I think at this point we should ask, “Who in Trump’s administration hasn’t had undocumented contact with the Russians?”

I’m slightly irked that the deck I spent so much time building up got wiped.... but it’s still Gwent, so time to build that deck back up, :-D

Every photo with Donny feels like he’s gloating, and that he’s thinking about using them later saying “See the Pope is my best bud in the world!”

“....A pig in shit...”

That’s an apt description of Trump.