Gryphon Osiris

I suspect that ‘fixing’ is a code word for sampling the opiods out there.

Like Father/Husband like Daughter/Wife, full of BS and stealing everything from others.

Well, for a start there would be the survivalist groups in the early 2000's who wanted to over throw the government, the Timothy McVey types, but that’s just a simple example. In this case, you have an unstable, narcissistic egomaniac who wants to regularly subvert the constitution in an attempt to abuse his power in

To be fair, he also took an oath to up hold the Constitution against all enemies, foriegn and domestic. At the moment Trump is looking like a ‘bigly’ domestic enemy.

It does, but it’s to fuck over the tax paying American, they just don’t want to say that publicly.

I think ‘fucking office’ is a very accuarate description. Donald goes there to fuck her (or at least try to get it up).

Does this mean that old Republican men with erectile dysfunction deserve it, and shouldn’t get Viagra?

I imagine that the UN translators after he speak need some seriously stiff drinks.

He’d pay someone to take it for them, then stiff them on their fee.

This, we need more of this!!!

This guy has had too much controversy...? Damn I knew that Trump and his cronies were detached from reality, but fuck me if this is the mountain out of the anthill. Compared to some of the other fuckers he has in his cabinet, including the orange Daughter-fucker himself, this seems like him trying to draw attention

It’s so blatant that he’s trying to deflect attention away from how poor of job he’s doing and how corrupt his whole administration is. Only an idiot of Trump levels wouldn’t be able to see that right off the bat.

This administration has taught me a great deal of understand and respect for Schadenfreude.

They don’t care because they’re healthcare is paid for on the government dime, but they can’t stand people freeloading off the tax payer unless it’s them.

Didn’t they do WWII Call of Duty games in 2004?

Ivanka, not Melania. Ivanka is sleeping with Trump, but isn’t legally married to him.

Or her shoes with labels on them indicating that they came from the bargin bin. Insult to injury, and all that.

I’m certain she thinks “Empowerment” means Donald lets her ride on top.

I’m certain she thinks “Empowerment” means Donald lets her ride on top.

Donald or Jared?