Gryphon Osiris

That’s Donald’s job, it’s in her contract of daughter-wifehood.

The fuck if I know, but I think the US press corps needs to be replaced with German and BBC reporters. Those bastards are merciless.

Of course she’s loyal, her meal ticket goes away if she displeases him.

With the look on her face of “I’m sick of your shit and your father-husband’s shit.”

The booing is nice, but next time they need to step up their game and throw overripe fruit at her.

I get the distinct impression that he’s the type to torture the family cat/dog/gerbil.

I imagine that for who ever buys this statue this will be the closest they’ve even had to an intimate relationship.... well, ever.

“He has also written that social welfare programs are un-Christian. “It is safe to say that God is a Capitalist,” Drollinger once wrote, “not a Communist.”

Has he ever read anything in the New Testament that was about Jesus....?

I can also see Hanzo having an aloof traditional Siamese, that doesn’t care if you are there or not.

I suspect Cocaine, it explains why he is up at 3 AM to tweet.... well that and a swollen prostate perhaps.

Agreed, military service should be an automatic ticket to citizenship. They served our country and put their lives at risk for it, so they deserve citizenship!

As someone who has served, from a family who has served going back to the revolution, I cannot tell you how insulting this orange twat thistle is being for having to be reminded that as the President he needs to put his god-damned hand over his rotten and shriveled heart during the national anthem.

Watching his insane ranting, I would say this man needs to be heavily medicated.

This does explain why he burns the shit out of steak, need to kill that salmonella from his unsanitary kitchen.

The inspector must have missed the 6 foot tall sack of orange shit roaming around the area.

No, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a god-damn saint. The man had more kindness and mercy is a lost eyelash that Trump has in his entire family.

Trump is a school yard bully who never grew past that same 8 year old “Give me you lunch money or eat my fist” mindset.

How soon before this turns into: Anyone who looks Latin gets rounded up, or anyone who may be Muslim is herded into concentration camps?

Best.... dad.....EVAR!!!!!

Just remember: she may be cute, but behind those big eyes is a cruel, cruel, evil mind.

Yes, but he still claims to be a graduate of the school. Remember, him and reality do not meet ever.