Gryphon Osiris

Never mess with the folks who gather intel; they are subtle and hold grudges.

I’m betting it’s a tape of him having sex with Ivanka, and/or DNA tests on her sons that she the are actually his.

Basically, the GOP went from being the tough guys, to a group of whiny little children.

Basically, since he can’t get it up, this is how he masturbates.

Or it reminds him too much of being sent to the Principal’s office after he was caught cheating on a test.

Donald is proving that only a stupid person would spend more on defense than they would on the health and well being of the people in the country.

I call him the gas-bag-in-chief, or Combover Caligula.

“Get the president another 64 color box of Crayons, he needs to make the wire tapping evidence!”

I suspect they’ll use some Meme picture of Obama hanging out the window as proof.

I imagine that Spicer spends a lot of time at home, drinking alone, wondering why he took this job.

This, 100% this. Any idiot and the brother uses proper hearing protection at the range or when out hunting. There is only one purpose for a surpressor, and that’s so everyone else doesn’t hear you shooting.

I really wish that every time he makes a statement some major press outside immediately responds with “Bullshit, homie!”

God, I love that stupid fucking horse.....

Worse of financially, no, worse of medical...? Yeah, they are fucked in that department.

Agreed, the worst part is what idiot would believe that nearly beating someone to death is part of enacting a sexual fantasy?

And after he’s done with these things, he goes to watch Fox and Friends so he can play pocket pool whenever they mention his name.

The two mistakes I saw were to go with her to talk with the Sorceresses, since doing so made her feel like you still saw her as a child, and stopping her from trashing Avallac’h’s lab, as she needed to vent her frustration and anger.

Also, Riley, did you snow ball fight with her or drink with her? The best choice is

Best Possible Ending is Ciri the Witcheress, Geralt’s daughter.

I also call him Thriftstore Borgia. Problem is the name might be too vague and ‘learned’ for his supporters to understand.

Problem is, the facts do not affect Combover Caligula. He will make shit up just to get his face in the News, then bitch about the media misrepresenting what he said, even though they have it recorded and uncut.