Gryphon Osiris

I say that people need to keep antagonizing him and leaking more information about his regime’s illegal acts. The man doesn’t know how to handle stress and his staff don’t know how to handle stress. Everytime you push pressure on them they crack with very little effort.

I wonder if they all know what they are doing is illegal as fuck....

If you read the Rogue Potus staff, they claim he’s said exactly that.

Call this asshole Gabby Goebbels from now on.

I give him 3 months before he’s impeached, in jail, or in a pine box by way of Putin.

Sounds similar to Line of Defense; no way there are actually fans of it, but the Dev screams that it’s the best game ever created with tons of followers.

If I didn’t know any better I’d say this was written by the founder of 3000AD, the only think it’s missing is calling the detractors names and making vague threats of federal action.

Though I’m not female, I’d be more likely to dettach his arm from his body at the shoulder, then stick it so far up his cloaca he’d could floss with it.

Damn, I wouldn’t trust this moron with a lemonade stand, and yet here he is, millions of even bigger morons voted for him.

The GOP doesn’t give a flying fuck that people WILL die because of this. As I’ve seen some of their die hards bragging about ‘umlimited power’ with a GOP fascist in the White House, and majority control in the House and Senate.

It will be hate fucking, that is for sure.

He sounds like a kid trying to bluff his way through an oral report that he failed to do.

He seems to be getting really pissy over this.

And let the panic attacks being anew......

Run the Defense Department, no, but they must agree to nuclear weapons being used.

One small comfort is that the senior military officer in the white house must agree on the launch, and then both of the officers launching the missile must also agree.

There is that temptation....

Most of the Wolf School died during the Pogrom at Kaer Morhen. Vessemir survived the massacre as he was wounded and left for dead. Geralt, Lambert and Eskel were away when it happened.

True, 3 out of 10 survived, then how many survived on The Path too?

Geralt was around 90, physically in his 30th’s. Vessermir was easily 200.