:-(, Uncle Vessemir.... still too soon, man.
:-(, Uncle Vessemir.... still too soon, man.
I’m betting than Russia has pictures of him have sex with an under age Ivanka.
I think that Putin gave him marching orders to castrate the US politically throughout the world.
Chopper, my 2nd favorite little murder droid. :-)
Normally he goes to Eastern Europe first, since there are something things not even American women would... ahem... do.
Perhaps she can follow it up with the ‘Horst Vessel’ song for his other supporters?
I always found this one ‘funny’ in that they have the idea, as the skit points out, that ‘every sperm is sacred’, but never seem to want to punish men for wanking.
I miss when they did great shows like “A Nero Wolfe Mystery”, that was Arts and Entertainment!
More of: 1)themselves, 2) their bank accounts, 3) the Party.
I’m surprised he wasn’t offered a position in Trump’s Cabinet.
I thought Trump was going to make her 3rd Concubine.
TIE Defender, could outrun concussion missiles with it, kill B-wings without breaking a sweat and make those rebel scum run for their MC-80's crying....
It’s still in the X-win Minitures game. But it’s too small for me. 1/48 at least!
Not to mention relying too heavily on the technology and not those using it.
Star Wars Rebels, along with that blue bastard, Thrawn.
Emperor’s Fist, my brudda....!
My 2nd Favorite TIE Fighter.
Star Wars Rebels, along with Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Been trying to get a 1/48 model of one, even had my dad attempt a 3D print..... didn’t turn out well.
Nah, he needs to have Putin come down on him, you know that old KGB spook has dirty pictures of him and Ivanka.
Nah, the acting is too good.