Gryphon Osiris


Ah, the TIE Defender, how I am so glad that you are canon again.

Someone pointed out that 3AM East coast is 11 AM Moscow Time, but more accurately, let’s see what Putin has to say.

This is one of those things that makes it very, very, VERY hard to believe that Trump isn’t wholly owned by Putin.

I’ll invite you my Sanctuary by Vault 88. We have running water, electric lights, plenty of food, and enough power armors sets to equip the brotherhood of steel

Believe me, the intelligent ones have been saying the exact fucking thing since Shit-for-brains put his name in for the Republican party.

Stock up on nuka cola, rad-away, fusion cores. I think we’ll need them soon enough.

The ones I come across on SFGate are convinced that all of Trump’s picks are amazing and perfect and will fix everything.

These people are fucking morons.....

That money goes into a blind trust that he has ZERO control over. Fuck stain here wants to do this job too between his tweet tirades and his sex sessions with Ivanka.

Cheetos Republic

And he really was, not since Truman or FDR have we had a President that was this paternal.

Barry in this interview needs to go: “Fuck it, I’m a short timer.” and say whatever the hell he wants.

Actually, the best way to look at it is that Trump is playing the office of the President as if it very much was a reality show.

I was doing shots of 20 year old scotch all election night. When you watch democracy die, might as well drink the good stuff.

Odd are he’ll have the fund funnel to Trump International.

Like the mail man, the UPS man and what ever the hell that shadow from the tree is?

Me: No, you dont’t need to sniff that..... no, that either.... come out, we don’t need to stop at every bush..... no the cat doesn’t want to play with you..... see I told you that they didnt’ want to play..... those plants are watered enough, you don’t need to water them..... those either, come on we’ve only gone 40

“Treat the earth well.
It was not given to you by your parents,
it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.”

Peace be with you brothers and sister.

He insulted a Gold Star mother. The should have killed any chance he had with the military/Midwest vote then and there, but god knows why it didn’t.

For those not familiar with the military families: insulting a Gold Star mother would be like if someone came up and slapped you mother, grand mother, and baby sister at

He has money in the company building the pipeline and the company planning on using it to transfer oil. He will find a way to reverse this, legal or other wise.