Gryphon Osiris

The character himself is based off of Odin, just with both of his eyes, :-P

Considering the modern image of Santa Clause was invented by Coca-Cola....

They are dirt bags for using the picture without permission, but damn they did a good job photoshopping that backpack on the image.

You did a fantastic job on it! The weathering on the metal parts were first rate. :-D

Reminds me, I keep wanting to write a short Witcher Noir. When the Witcher FB page posted the originals last year I did a brief write up, was apparently rather popular.

The breast plate looks a bit large, doesn’t fit quite right, but the craftsmanship is impressive.

This man is more of a patriot than any of these Shit bags Trump is collecting around him are.

I use the same “Special Snowflake” term for all Trump supporters, since they seem to act like they are working for Christ reborn and that we need to genuflect to them.

Helllllllooooooo Trish!

“I’m pretty sure Trump has no fucking clue.”

Fixed that for you.

Now now, let’s not be PC. The correct term is Neo-Nazi’s.

Their salty tears are so sweet....

Nothing like angry script kiddies using LOIC...

Then those who bought it are still the lame for buying it in the first place.

True justice would be to have their gamer tag and city, state/country location publicly listed on a wall of shame, but I’ll accept this as a start.

Others do it because they want to ruin other people’s fun, or that they actually really suck and their fragile little ego can’t accept that they don’t win at everything.

They seem to think that their cheats are in some faux-dark web where Blizzard will never find them,when frankly a quick google search finds it for you.

You said it yourself, “a sad little shit.”

We’re more likely to see Trump tax returns than she is to get money from that cult.

Run a DNA test on the Kids, see if they have Donny’s DNA instead of the man she married.