Gryphon Osiris

Trump is fraying the threads on his Sword of Damocles, this will turn ugly fast.

IF you see any news story that says Line of Defense is coming out, has players, or looks good. It’s fake, not only fake but damn fake.

The important thing is to not let them rule you by fear. If that happens, then they have won. Hold your head high, proud and defiant, and never let these bastard win.

I volunteer myself as Tribute for death by Lumpia! Don’t forget the sweet chili sauce too!

CyberNAzi’s: Too bloody cowardy to come out in public as Nazi’s.

I like to remind them that my family has a long track history with the Nazi’s, mainly it involved sending them to the here after in brigade strength numbers.

Pepper spray, my friend, keep it on you are all times. If they approach you, don’t let them surround you, as many like to use mob tactic of come at you from all sides.

Compared to whom, corpses buried in the ground?

Bebop, Trigun, Ghost in the Shell stand Alone Complex, Macross Plus and Record of Lodoss war; some of the best Anime ever.

May not have noticed it, but Trump supporters are the type to not have graduated Kindergarten....

The only way for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing. I certainly don’t plan on doing nothing.

I have no words, just a hug...... {{{{{{{{{{{TheFuzzyMilitia}}}}}}}}}}}}

The British Mk. 1 tended to get stuck in the mud and broken down all the time.

You are right, I typoed. In WWI the Brits were using Lee-Enfields and the German Mauser KAR98K. The Thompson was introduced late in the war along with the BAR by the Americans, but I had not heard of mass deployments of full auto SMG’s or rifles.

What concerns me in the game is that it seems like Automatic personal weapons were everywhere. To my knowledge of WWII, they were few and far between, with most infantry using bolt actions.

Ok, when Glen Beck is saying that this shit is completely fucked up, then you know that this little joke of Trump has seriously worn out it’s fucking welcome.....

These are just the pebbles, wait until the boulders of the racist land slide start falling.

I can imagine that meeting:
Trump: “Where’s the %$^#$% script? I don’t know what to do without a god-damn script. Someone tell me what to say!!!”
Followed by the staffers cracking open the 5th bottle of jack that morning.

Actually, the same invisible sky man, just that they will both kill you if you say that.

I never thought I see the day that we’d have a candidate getting open support from North Korea, Russia, and Freaking Nazi’s....... Even after the election is over there will still be a shit storm from Trump supporters saying that this was rigged. God they are whiny little brats, like the Hair Fuhrer.