Also means that they need to get their workmans comp claiming lazy ass off the couch, turn off Nascar, and put on a pair of pants.
Also means that they need to get their workmans comp claiming lazy ass off the couch, turn off Nascar, and put on a pair of pants.
If only.... if only....
Remember, as Newt Gingrich said, it isn’t about the facts, it’s about feelings. So if these folks have the feeling that Reagan was Walt Disney wrapped with George Washington and Jesus, then he was.
Gods, I love that stupid ****ing horse....
Did they find the hidden Nazi cave that leads to the hollow earth with the Atlantean supermen with flying saucers?
Before Twilight, there was Tuck Everlasting, and it taught importance of life and sacrifice, not that girls need to throw themselves at a car so a boy will pay attention to her.
And this is why the alt right hates him: he’s a far better person than they will ever be, and it just pisses them off to no end.
Considering I’m married now.... probably not.
Dunno, dated a blonde. Was a total stage 5 clingy psycho.
Welcome to Trump’s America, they are still pissed than a black man had the gaul to not only run for President, not just get elected, but get elected twice.
Hell, what’s the point of having 30 rifles when you can only effectively use one at a time. I mean you could have one slung, but that still doesn’t make sense since most of these guys have multiple rifles of the same caliber. I would say it “One for me, one for my buddy in the upcoming civil war” but from the guys…
The important thing to remember is those who are thinking that there will be riots and a Civil war because Trump doesn’t win, are the same ones who wouldn’t get off their collective asses to overthrow the current President, who they called a “Communist Muslim with no right to be the president.”
They’ll will just bitch…
Grew up near and went to school with some one pathetic enough to buy this. Same guy went to E3 and was convinced all the booth babes wanted to go back to his room with him. He wouldn’t hear it that they were paid to flirt with sweaty dorks all day, particularly those who were 25 and still lived with their Grandmother,…
Next Trump is going to say that she isn’t allow to research and prep before a debate because it isn’t fair to him..... :-/
Witcher 3 was also delayed.
Delays don’t automatically mean never to be released
Someone braver than most of us.
I’d pay to see that.
Oh... that’s just plain evil..... I Love it!!!!
Odds are they wouldn’t have nearly this level of viewer ship if it wasn’t for the overt sexuality of it, but with that said; blame the lonely, horny, and pathetic guys watching (and possibly fapping) to it for causing this to be a thing.
Part of me wants to show them film footage of polio wards before they decide not to get the vaccination.